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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iraq uses international expertise to close the mine file with Iran

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 272112
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iraq uses international expertise to close the mine file with Iran Empty Iraq uses international expertise to close the mine file with Iran

    Post by Rocky Mon 17 Sep 2018, 3:14 am

    Iraq uses international expertise to close the mine file with Iran

    08:15 - 17/09/2018
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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Information / Baghdad ..
    The Ministry of Health and Environment's Technical Affairs Officer Jassem Al-Falahi announced on Monday the ministry's agreement with international companies to conduct surveys on the liberated areas to clear mines and address the radiation left by the wars.
    "The environmental sector has gained importance in recent years due to the challenges faced by the country, especially in the area of ​​access to secure areas of mines and radiation," said the farmer in a statement reported by the official newspaper "Sabah" Surveys and demining, especially existing statistics. "
    "Iraq is one of the most proliferating countries in the region, especially along the Iraqi-Iranian border, extending from the north to Basra, and it needs very large amounts to conduct surveys," al-Falahi said.
    "The agreement with international organizations to carry out surveys in the liberated areas and the treatment of radiation in them and funded by the United States and Britain, confirming the direct to the areas of Hit and Fallujah and the right coast of Mosul and the University of Mosul" .
    Al-Falahi stressed that "the preparations are underway to draw on important international expertise to conduct surveys on the border areas with Iran to close the file that has continued for several years due to the many wars that have taken place in the country and the emergence of new files as a result of influence." Ending / 25

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