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    Shaways: Iraq needs the services and expertise of international companies discreet

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    Shaways: Iraq needs the services and expertise of international companies discreet  Empty Shaways: Iraq needs the services and expertise of international companies discreet

    Post by Rocky Tue Oct 08, 2013 5:15 am

    Shaways: Iraq needs the services and expertise of international companies discreet

    10/08/2013 12:00 AM

    Called during his participation in an economic conference in Belgium to invest in

    BAGHDAD - morning

    Deputy Prime Minister Ruz Nuri Shaways that Iraq needs to introduce modern technology in all aspects of the state and society, and to the services and expertise of international companies discreet in various fields and sectors of life, stressing that this conference is a good chance for those of investors and businessmen to participate in the construction and reconstruction under way in various sectors in Iraq.

    This came during his participation in the Special Economic Forum to invest in Iraq, which was held on Sunday, in the Belgian capital.

    He said Shaways in his conference, which received «morning» copy of which was on Sunday, said the government has several steps and procedures for political, legal and administrative level transition from a centrally planned to a market economy through the mobilization of the private sector and the trend towards creating a genuine partnership between the public and private sectors, and to encourage Investing national, regional and international levels, to make Iraq's economy more vibrant, dynamic and able to respond to the requirements of the launch of the process of comprehensive and sustainable development. adding that the government continues its efforts to change the identity of the Iraqi economy through the vision of a future long-term aim to build a diversified economy and a prosperous, noting growing interest in sectors of education and health, Led by the sectors of mining, industry, energy, agriculture, tourism and communications Koqtab developmental background, along with interest pillar core of the Iraqi economy, but a sector of the oil industry in its various aspects. across the Deputy Prime Minister expressed optimism the future of the economy in Iraq, pointing to what he has the resources and potential, indicate by geological studies to the presence of about 530 geological complexes give strong indications of the existence of how massive oil, no drilling of these structures only 115 of which 71 proved to contain oil reserves enormous spread over many fields, stressing that this is the great potential make Iraq an influential player in the cycle of the machine civilization and a key player in the global economy, and a strong contender at the regional level.

    He pointed out that the most important update of the conditions, procedures and economic steps during the current year, it was to remove Iraq from the provisions of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist in the further emancipation of Iraqi funds and the recovery of the economy, and will open new horizons for investments and foreign companies and facilitate the tasks of work in Iraq., And added that approval of the Council of Ministers in August last year, the Law on economic reform, federal, and submit it to parliament for approval, in a move designed to restructure the economy according to the requirements of the transition to a market economy, increasing growth rates in Iraq in the coming years, noting that the law aims to create an investment climate to encourage investors local and overseas through the broad participation of private sectors in the management and ownership of economic units, and the development and expansion of the activities of the financial markets. Deputy Prime Minister pointed to the launch of the Second National Plan for Development in Iraq (2013 - 2017) last September, calling for wishing to invest in Iraq to see the This plan, which was found to invest nearly 357 billion dollars in development projects for the next four years by 79 percent the responsibility of government investments and 21 percent on your investment. said Shaways that the plan sets the priorities of the government in the field of development, and outlines the path that will help Iraq achieve economic growth more versatile. summed up these priorities reformulate the roles of development between the public and private sectors and toward stimulating the private sector to be a key partner and active in the process of transformation and development of the country, and to create the base of the stone towards a diversified economy and a competitive price. also drew Shaways that the plan aims to strengthen the role of decentralized provinces and provinces in the development process, and calls for a shift towards eco-friendly economy and improve the proportions between the three dimensions of sustainable development (economic, social and environmental).

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