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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Secretariat of the Council of Ministers formed a central committee for the implementation of a new s

    Admin Assist
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    Secretariat of the Council of Ministers formed a central committee for the implementation of a new s Empty Secretariat of the Council of Ministers formed a central committee for the implementation of a new s

    Post by Rocky Sun Mar 02, 2014 6:22 pm

    Secretariat of the Council of Ministers formed a central committee for the implementation of a new system of budget

    Editor Hussein gesture, Ghassan Hamid - Sunday, 2 March 2014 18:52

    Side of the secretariat of the Council of Ministers Conference

    Alsumaria News / Baghdad

    The Secretary General of the Council of Ministers, Sunday, pose for a central committee for the implementation of a new system of budget, saying that the problem in the budget numbers and the start of the tab, and the foundations of the.

    He said on the Keywords in a statement received "Alsumaria News" a copy of it, on the sidelines of the First National Conference on the constraints of legislative and administrative implementation of the investment budget in the provinces of Iraq, which was held today in the province of Najaf, said that "the budget numerous objectives and challenges faced by reality Institutional and culture upon which these institutions for many years. "

    He Keywords that "the involvement of the public is what is imposed by the democratic system in the budget discussion and gives great importance in line with the desire to build a developed country," adding that "the problem in the budget, starting from the numbers and tab, and the grounds upon which it initiated the Secretariat to the formation of a central committee for the implementation of a new system of the budget. "

    The Council of Ministers approved, on (January 15, 2014), on the draft general budget for the current year and referred it to the House for approval, and began to Parliament in the (January 28, 2014), the first reading of the budget law, but failed to accomplish those reading, was charged with a coalition of state Kurds obstructing law to pass the budget.

    It is noteworthy that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, warned in the (February 26, 2014) that there are no provisions for retirees and petro-dollar project as well as disable all projects if you do not recognize the state budget, calling on citizens to have a voice and attitude about it.

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