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    Abdul Mahdi receives two candidates for education and reservation of names

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    Abdul Mahdi receives two candidates for education and reservation of names Empty Abdul Mahdi receives two candidates for education and reservation of names

    Post by Rocky Wed 09 Oct 2019, 6:43 am


    Abdul Mahdi receives two candidates for education and reservation of names

    [rtl]Release date:: 2019/10/14 14:03 • 207 times read[/rtl]
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    (Baghdad: Al-Furat News) The rapporteur of the House of Representatives, Khadija Ali, on the presentation of the parliamentary education committee two women from Nineveh province to Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi as candidates for the portfolio of the Ministry of Education.
    Ali said in a press statement that "the committee is waiting for Abdul Mahdi's response to be presented in parliament to vote."
    "There is a reservation on the names and biographies of the two candidates until the voting session," she said.
    It is noteworthy that the portfolio of the Ministry of Education in the government of Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, has been vacant since the formation of the government a year ago, while more than one candidate was submitted to the post, but did not get the consensus of members of parliament and rejected all.

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    Dedicated Investor
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    Abdul Mahdi receives two candidates for education and reservation of names Empty Re: Abdul Mahdi receives two candidates for education and reservation of names

    Post by lesley.beter Wed 09 Oct 2019, 10:52 am

    Is this still going on...geesh
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    Abdul Mahdi receives two candidates for education and reservation of names Empty Abdul Mahdi receives a list of six candidates for the post of Ministry of Education

    Post by Rocky Thu 10 Oct 2019, 7:12 am

    [size=36]Abdul Mahdi receives a list of six candidates for the post of Ministry of Education[/size]

    Political | 02:53 - 10/10/2019

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    BAGHDAD - Mawazine News
    , the deputy parliamentary education committee Raad al-Maksousi, on Thursday, the nomination of six personalities to the portfolio of the Ministry of Education and submitted to the Prime Minister.
    Maksousi said, "The Prime Minister has already hosted the Education Committee, indicating that, the Committee submitted 6 names of independent candidates for this post."
    He added that "a committee was formed from the deputies of the province of Nineveh to consider these nominations after the requirement that the next minister from the province and female in particular."
    Al-Maksousi pointed out that "the committee hopes to choose one of the names that it has submitted to the prime minister for the post of minister of education, which will facilitate the passage of the vote within the dome of parliament."

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    Abdul Mahdi receives two candidates for education and reservation of names Empty A source expects Abdel Mahdi to present the names of ministers he wants to change to parliament

    Post by Rocky Thu 10 Oct 2019, 7:34 am

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    A source expects Abdel Mahdi to present the names of ministers he wants to change to parliament

     2019-10-10 03:41:29

    A parliamentary source expected that Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, the names of ministers in his cabinet, wants to change them.
    The source told Shafaq News that Abdul-Mahdi will present in today's session the names of ministers who wish to change with the names of the candidates in addition to the candidates of education and health.
    The source added that the priority of the upcoming cabinet reshuffle will include the selection of a candidate for the portfolio of the Ministry of Education, the selection of a new candidate in place of the resigned health minister, and the exemption of the ministers of communications and agriculture.
    Abdul-Mahdi is subjected to "great" political and popular pressures to correct the performance of government work, and reforms in the Iraqi state, which faces various challenges, most notably with regard to the economic sector.
    Protesters in the capital Baghdad and a number of central and southern provinces are continuing their demonstrations that began since the middle of last week against the deterioration of service and living conditions, the lack of jobs and public and private jobs, the spread of unemployment within the community, and the spread of financial and administrative corruption and patronage in the joints of state departments and institutions.
    Those demonstrations were met with repression and violence, some of which amounted to excessive use of force, according to joint operations, the highest military authority in Iraq, killing more than 100 protesters and injuring thousands.
    The federal government, headed by Adel Abdul-Mahdi, launched two packages of resolutions to meet the demands of the demonstrators. .

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    Abdul Mahdi receives two candidates for education and reservation of names Empty Re: Abdul Mahdi receives two candidates for education and reservation of names

    Post by wciappetta Thu 10 Oct 2019, 8:04 am

    I'd be happy if they finally submit and approve the Education minister...

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    I have made you, and I will carry you; I will sustain you and deliver you. -Isaiah 46:4

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    Abdul Mahdi receives two candidates for education and reservation of names Empty Re: Abdul Mahdi receives two candidates for education and reservation of names

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