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    Other: Political blocs face great pressure after Saleh's resignation

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Other: Political blocs face great pressure after Saleh's resignation Empty Other: Political blocs face great pressure after Saleh's resignation

    Post by Rocky Fri 27 Dec 2019, 6:14 am

    Other: Political blocs face great pressure after Saleh's resignation

    10:59 - 27/12/2019

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    Information / private ...
    On Friday, the MP from the Alliance of Abbas Alawi said that the political blocs are facing great pressure after a message by Barham Saleh to the parliament that included his waving of resignation, indicating that the names that have been proposed recently for the post of prime minister may be more acceptable by the people.
    "The resignation of the President of the Republic is a clear message not to use the pressure on Barham Salih to pass a certain figure to the position of Prime Minister," Aliwi said in a statement to "The Information."
    He added that "the President of the Republic fell into embarrassment as being responsible for the constitution, so he proposed resignation in order not to cause the country to fall into a dangerous slope."
    And that "Barham Salih's message to parliament is a pressure factor on the political blocs to present a figure acceptable to all, especially the people."
    He explained that "the names that were presented recently, represented by Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, Mustafa Al-Kazemi and Rahim Al-Okaili, are circulating in the Iraqi street and not partisan and may be acceptable to the people, and therefore the political blocs must put these names within their agendas." 25 n ended

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