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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Traders: the market are able to assign all the basic requirements

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    Traders: the market are able to assign all the basic requirements Empty Traders: the market are able to assign all the basic requirements

    Post by Rocky Tue 01 Jul 2014, 5:20 pm

    Traders: the market are able to assign all the basic requirements

    7/2/2014 0:00

    With the expansion of the demand for volunteers to reach the more than 3 million

    BAGHDAD - Hussein al-Tamimi Tgb - Farah pumice

    Local traders confirms their ability to outsource their requirements basic domestic market rose after the need to provide food and supplies military equipment to more than three million volunteers, mostly getting ready to join the armed forces in the war against terrorism.

    Supplement market

    President of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce Jaafar al-Hamdani said in an interview for the "morning" provides all the capabilities of logistics and financial traders, grouped under the umbrella of the local chambers of commerce, located in all provinces to supplement the Iraqi market with the necessary basic goods. He pointed out that the objective of the Union today focus toward maintaining a balance in supply and demand within the market and not allowing for any shortage in the domestic market, pointing out that most traders that not all of them made fun of their efforts to assign the armed forces of the market, which is the bond important to achieve victory.

    Smooth high

    Hamdani also said the mechanisms of nutrient supply and essential to the smooth flow of the local market is witnessing a high after the adoption of the new measures, which facilitated the smooth passage of goods and commodities, and the role of the committees overseeing positive in overcoming problems that might confuse the reality of the work of border crossings.

    He pointed to al-Hamdani, we have seen significant cooperation by all parties overseeing the supply of food at border crossing points, where there is a high coordination between all devices in order to supply the goods to the local markets and the quantities required.

    No shortage of materials

    He said al-Hamdani, a lack of fear for lack of food or basic in our markets in all provinces, attributing this to the potential of the Iraqi traders in the supply of required quantities through a network of relationships with chambers of commerce and international companies specialized in the supply of goods and commodities. To that between a member of the Chamber of Commerce Baghdad, Ali al-Obeidi said the local market supplying goods to the wholesale markets and continuously and in quantities needed, pointing out that demand has risen to some of the material during this period for many reasons in the forefront of receiving holy month of Ramadan, as well as the need for larger quantities of food to feed the volunteers to join the ranks of the armed forces , noting that this demand is facing material availability in the domestic market, and in sufficient quantities.

    He pointed out that support for military forces are sometimes directly by traders by sending food to the battlefield directly to the provision of food necessary for a fighter and this is a good step to calculate the Iraqi trader.

    Consumption levels

    He predicted that the drop in demand for food after the holy month of Ramadan, as happens every year, where the rising graph of the level of consumption of the Iraqi family which then comes back to the percentages of natural, pointing to the importance of attention to the levels of consumption and adoption patterns to suit the actual need, not to rise to levels wasteful and extravagant unjustified.

    Local traders

    For his part, stressed the economic expert Mahmoud Alloush said Iraqi traders have experience and competence in the provision of all the requirements of the Iraqi market and the requirements of the armed forces of various goods and supplies, and insurance Ansiabatha well priced and very natural.

    He Alloush "morning": "In the light of the statement of reference which had a big role in putting things in perspective and urged every citizen to a sense of responsibility towards the country, initiated by a group of traders who specialize in all areas to work on the provision of local market requirements of various goods and supply of multiple origins and multiple border points. "

    Southern ports

    He pointed out that the supply of goods has become through the ports southern border in Iraq, as well as open implementers with its neighbor Iran, in addition to the facilities provided by the government, regardless of import licenses and customs duty specified under the Tariff Act (5 percent), which led to the availability of plenty of goods in the market and filling the need at an affordable price and specific.

    Distribution of dates

    As between Alloush support the Ministry of Agriculture in the light of the initiative of agricultural marketing dates of the armed forces, by providing dates last season for the military, as it has been packaged by (3 kilograms) of explosive each and distribute them, and Dates are meal integrated and meet certain requirements of the security forces.

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