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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Directly rehabilitating 62 localities in Baghdad

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Directly rehabilitating 62 localities in Baghdad Empty Directly rehabilitating 62 localities in Baghdad

    Post by Rocky Thu 27 Jun 2024, 5:21 am

    Directly rehabilitating 62 localities in Baghdad

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    The Baghdad Municipality announced, on Thursday, that the package of large service projects will include 62 localities in the capital, while revealing a major campaign to develop the Kadhimiya Corniche.
    The Director General of the Municipality’s Projects Department, Yaqzan Al-Waeli, said: “The Municipality recently launched a large package of service projects for 62 localities with the rehabilitation of streets throughout Baghdad, including Al-Muhit Street in Al-Kadhimiya, in addition to the bridge linking the Al-Jami’a and Al-Khadra neighborhoods, which was exposed. For terrorist acts and abandonment for more than a decade, the Ghazaliya Bridge, the Al-Heikal neighborhood in Al-Ghazaliya, Saba’ Qasoor Al-President Street, and Maysan Street, along with 3 municipalities in Al-Shaab and 3 other municipalities in Cairo.”
    He added, "We are working on covering 500,000 square meters on the Rusafa side, especially the main streets, in addition to completing all the listing requirements by rehabilitating the shops of the Karkh Center and the Rusafa Center."
    He stated that "the cladding specifications were changed and the reliance was placed on developed asphalt, which is one of the finest types of asphalt that is resistant to temperature and all the problems that ordinary asphalt suffers from," explaining that "there is a major campaign to develop the Grand Kadhimiya Corniche along the second Corniche, and to rehabilitate or establish Al-Jawadin Park in Al-Kadhimiya City has a wonderful design, in addition to giant dancing fountains from the river basin and inside the parks.”
    He stated that "the second phase of the development of Sinbad Street, which connects the Zaafaraniyah and Karrada areas and which extends to the Diyala Bridge, has begun, where it will relieve bottlenecks and serve the people of Zaafaraniya," explaining that "the development of Karrada Street outside has been completely included and Karrada Street inside, in addition to a group of parks." Which will see the light soon.”
    Regarding the Yusufiyah road, Al-Waeli stated that “a meeting was held with the governor of Baghdad and it was agreed on the integration of services between the governorate and the secretariat.”
    Regarding the entrances to the capital, he stated that “there are four entrances that will see the light soon, namely the Kirkuk entrance, of which 16 kilometers have been completed, and the remaining work is on the approaches and service streets,” explaining that “the other entrances are entrance 77 and entrance 73 from the Baqubah side, and the conflicts in the Mosul entrance have been resolved and we are proceeding with its completion this year, while the Babylon entrance will see the light of day 2 kilometers of it in the coming few days.”

    Views 33
    Added 06/27/2024 - 12:29 PM
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