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    State budget and consumption wisdom

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    State budget and consumption wisdom Empty State budget and consumption wisdom

    Post by Rocky Mon 22 Mar 2021, 9:07 am

    State budget and consumption wisdom

    16:18 - 22/03/2021

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    Books / Sheikh Muhammad al-Rubaie
    [And do not put your hand tied to your neck, and do not extend it to all the rugs, so you will sit under the grievances.
    Which makes you a lover of Islamic law, it is an organized Sharia of thought, rules and laws, and everything that is tight and sober, and in which everything has been set limits, and among those matters is the issue of how to consume what we have or act.
    We note, for example, a rule: (No excess or negligence), which was presented in a way that guarantees preservation of the private and public order, as indicated in the verse in the beginning of the hadith.
    So the Islamic system wants the consumer to have that consumption balanced and go within a balanced plan based on (preventing extravagance and miserliness at the same time), which is a balanced issue that needs wisdom and prudence.
    The strange thing is that the verses of the Constitution of Islam, the Holy Qur’an, are viewed within the individual view and application at the individual level only, without the application at the collective social level of the state, as miserliness is never acceptable and it is the truth of the Almighty’s saying [and do not make your hand tied]. The good deed represented by the People of the House (PBUH), among their hadiths are clear indications, that the owner of the blessing expands on the family, and we can say that the owner of the state expands upon his family, and this is with the ability and ability of course, at the same time we find extravagance forbidden and forbidden, and it is credible Almighty [and do not simplify all the rugs], and it is clear that extravagance is the most dangerous thing facing the energies of the earth, even describing extravagance as tyranny. Signals from the Ahl al-Bayt (PBUH) school, prohibiting extravagance, and we also say that the ban here is individual and collective at the same time, so we need to organize a budget based on moderation inWe must all share in the success of this budget at the level of the individual and the group, and this moderation in spending will secure a decent life for all individuals, not for a group to enjoy privileges and allocations in front of others dying from starvation, for allocations to be reduced by classes and classes remain, Hence, justice in the distribution of wealth is for everyone without exploitation, extravagance and tyranny, and this is not achieved by organizing the exchange process at the level of the individual and the group, and that this process is not in the hands of the extravagant [and do not give the fools your money], which is not taken into account in The system is consumable and does not differentiate between primary and secondary matters.
    There must be a balance between income and spending, as explained in the Holy Qur’an: [To spend an amount of his capacity and whoever is able to provide for his livelihood, let him spend from what God has directed. God does not cost a soul except what he has given God will make after hardship easy], and the other thing that must be In the issue of budgets, the issue of space and time requirements is taken into account. Every time and place has spending requirements, so it is not reasonable and wise, whether the individual or the state, to prepare the budget on the same allocations as the previous one, and that is due to the requirements of changing the needs of ministries in the sites of their projects in time and place, and this is in detail that cannot be accommodated. Examples, details and Islamic evidence.
    And this is why when Sufyan Al-Thawri asked Abi Abdullah (pbuh): You are telling that Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him) used to wear khashin, and you wore al-Qawahi (distinctive white clothes) and al-Narwi! He said: Woe to you that Ali bin Abi Talib was in a time of distress.
    There are many evidences like that.
    We ask God to preserve Islam and its people
    We ask God to save [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and its people
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