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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Calls for monitoring of financial loans for local governments to complete projects provinces 08/

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Calls for monitoring of financial loans for local governments to complete projects provinces     08/ Empty Calls for monitoring of financial loans for local governments to complete projects provinces 08/

    Post by Rocky Sun 03 Aug 2014, 8:57 am

    Calls for monitoring of financial loans for local governments to complete projects provinces


    MP in the coalition of state law for the province of Basra, Faleh Hassan al-Khazali, the Sabbath, the federal government of the need to expedite the allocation of advance funding for local governments in the provinces, to enable the completion of important projects and provide the necessary services to its citizens until the adoption of the budget this year 2014 before Parliament. He said al-Khazali told / Iraq Press / that "it is not unreasonable that punished the Iraqi people and the disruption of interests and rob their rights because of differences between some of the leaders of the political blocs, which led to delay adoption of the budget and stop public life and paralyze the movement and reach out into recession in most of the axes" . He called al-Khazali, "the federal government of the need to expedite the allocation of advance funding to local governments in the provinces to enable them to manage the wheel of life and to provide the necessary service to the citizen who suffered destitution, deprivation and lack of services and shortness of livelihood."

    He stressed that "the deportation of the budget this year, with the approval of the 2015 budget will cause a great catastrophe must be stopped at some of the politicians that they think the interests of the homeland and the citizen, and do not integrate the people's livelihood and suffering on the agenda for the negotiations."


    And between al-Khazali that "during field visits to service departments in Basra to discuss with departments about the possibility of the implementation of projects and providing services to the citizens complained that circles of movement restricted because of the fiscal deficit resulting from the delay in approving the budget process, which has damaged public life."


    He noted that "the interests of the Iraqi citizen is now pinned on the process of adoption of the budget, especially since the new school year on the doors and Basra suffers from a severe shortage Palmlakat educational which has become need a miracle move sense of responsibility when some politicians who have stayed away from the people's interest and have been associated with the Department of winnings" .

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