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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Al-Kazemi’s Advisor Resolves The Controversy Over State Spending In The Absence Of The Budget

    Admin Assist
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    Al-Kazemi’s Advisor Resolves The Controversy Over State Spending In The Absence Of The Budget Empty Al-Kazemi’s Advisor Resolves The Controversy Over State Spending In The Absence Of The Budget

    Post by Rocky Tue 16 Aug 2022, 5:24 am

    Al-Kazemi’s Advisor Resolves The Controversy Over State Spending In The Absence Of The Budget

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    Earth News/ The economic advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, resolved, today, Sunday, the controversy over the way in which the state’s financial affairs will proceed in the event that the general budget for the current year 2022 and next year 2023
    is not approved. Because of the disruption of Parliament, the Federal Court is referred to the permissibility of the continuation of the application of the Financial Management Act of 12/1 for more than a year, based on what was achieved from actual current expenditures in the 2021 budget.”
    Saleh added that “the Minister of Finance resolved the controversy in this regard, noting that it is possible to continue spending at a rate of 1/12 per month from the actual continuous expenses that were achieved through the implementation of the budget for the year 2021, when the country entered a second fiscal year, specifically in 2023, and without the availability of a law for the general budget in the year 2022".
    He pointed out that “the work will be similar to what is currently being done in 2022, as the disbursement is done and the country is without a general budget as well, and the disbursement is approved by 1/12 of the actual continuous expenditures of the last year included in the 2021 budget, which means that the text and spirit of Article 13 of the Financial Management Law can be applied. No. 6 of 2019 amended regarding the 12/1 exchange rate and its validity over more than one fiscal year, and it is devoid of a general budget.”

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