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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Oil: explorations will take place in joint fields with 4 neighboring countries

    Admin Assist
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    Oil: explorations will take place in joint fields with 4 neighboring countries Empty Oil: explorations will take place in joint fields with 4 neighboring countries

    Post by Rocky Wed 09 Nov 2022, 5:13 am

    Oil: explorations will take place in joint fields with 4 neighboring countries

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    Economy News / Baghdad
    Today, Tuesday, the Ministry of Oil revealed a strategic project that contributes to increasing oil and gas reserves, while it announced a five-year plan that includes dozens of projects.
    The director of the Oil Exploration Company, Ali Jassim Hammoud, told the Iraqi News Agency that "the company has a strategic project, which is exploratory drilling, which will contribute to increasing oil reserves, compensating the depleted and confirming the presence of hydrocarbons in various oil fields."
    Hammoud added that "exploratory drilling operations will contribute significantly to increasing oil reserves, whether in the field of oil or gas, and will include various border fields with Iran, Kuwait, Syria and Saudi Arabia."
    He pointed out that "the exploratory drilling project collides with sufficient financial allocations for its implementation, especially in the joint border fields," noting that "the annual allocations and budgets allocated to the company do not differ from those of the extractive companies that constitute an obstacle to the implementation of their projects."
    Regarding future projects, Hammoud pointed out that "there is a project under discussion with the French company Total to develop the Artawi field, and it is in the process of preliminary discussions, in addition to the existence of cooperation with the Chinese company Cinonic after signing an agreement with it during the last period, to conduct surveys from the onshore part in area of ​​the Arabian Gulf.
    He continued, "We are serious about implementing these agreements with the Basra Oil Company and the relevant departments represented by the Regional Center and Environment in Basra Governorate."
    He explained, "The company has annual plans according to programs carried out with the approval of extractive companies, as it has a five-year plan that includes dozens of projects, but the implementation depends on financial allocations, in addition to exploratory drilling, which is the mainstay for increasing oil reserves and confirming the presence of hydrocarbons in various oil fields." .

    views 385
    Added 11/08/2022 - 5:50 PM
    Update 11/09/2022 - 12:49 PM
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