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    Global Gold: Central banks buy 30 tons of the yellow metal, and Iraq maintains its rank

    Admin Assist
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    Global Gold: Central banks buy 30 tons of the yellow metal, and Iraq maintains its rank Empty Global Gold: Central banks buy 30 tons of the yellow metal, and Iraq maintains its rank

    Post by Rocky Sun 05 Mar 2023, 5:25 am

    Global Gold: Central banks buy 30 tons of the yellow metal, and Iraq maintains its rank

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    Economy News _ Baghdad
    Today, Sunday, the World Gold Council announced that global central banks have bought 30 tons of gold, while noting that Iraq has maintained its global rank.
    In its latest schedule for the month of March 2023, which was seen by "Al-Iqtisad News", the Council said, "The global central banks added during the month of January an amount of 30 net tons of gold to the global international reserves, up by 16% from the previous month," indicating That "sales of gold in the same period amounted to 12 tons."
    And she added, "The Turkish Central Bank bought 23 tons of gold, the Chinese Central Bank also bought 15 tons of gold, and Kazakhstan bought 4 tons," noting that "the Central Bank of Uzbekistan was the only one who made the sale, at 12 tons."
    He added, "Iraq maintained its rank of 30 globally out of 100 countries listed in the table with the largest gold reserves, after it rose ten ranks in July by purchasing 33.9 tons of gold, bringing its gold possession to 130.3 tons, which represents 8.6% of the rest of its other reserves."
    Globally, according to the table, the United States of America still leads the rest of the countries with the largest possession of gold in the world, with 8,133 thousand tons, followed by Germany with 3,355 thousand tons, and then Italy came with 2,451 thousand tons, while Mauritania ranked 100th with 1 ton, preceded by El Salvador with 1.4 tons.
    On June 27, Iraq announced the purchase of new quantities of gold, approximately 34 tons, an increase of 35% over what was in its possession.
    It is noteworthy that the World Gold Council, which is based in the United Kingdom, has extensive experience and deep knowledge of the factors causing market change, and its members consist of the largest and most advanced gold mining companies in the world.

    Views 179
    Added 03/05/2023 - 8:30 AM
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