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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    International Crisis Group: These are the repercussions of Riyadh's deal with Tehran on the situatio

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    International Crisis Group: These are the repercussions of Riyadh's deal with Tehran on the situatio Empty International Crisis Group: These are the repercussions of Riyadh's deal with Tehran on the situatio

    Post by Rocky Sat 22 Apr 2023, 4:29 am

    International Crisis Group: These are the repercussions of Riyadh's deal with Tehran on the situation in Iraq

    [ltr]2023.04.22 - 10:55[/ltr]

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    Baghdad - Nas  
    The International Crisis Group said, in a report, that the Saudi-Iranian deal could reduce tensions in Iraq, and that one of Saudi Arabia's motives for reconciliation with Tehran was fear of the Iraqi front.  
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    The report of the group, which is based in Brussels and followed by "NAS", (April 22, 2023), indicated that Iran enjoys strong religious, economic and cultural ties with many Iraqis, and has great political influence, especially through Shiite forces and parties, and armed groups, which may be responsible. For attacks on Saudi Arabia in 2019 and 2021.  
    And he also added: The Sunnis in Iraq have historically established clan, commercial and religious relations with Saudi Arabia, which exercises relatively little influence through Sunni clans and political parties that were partners in the power-sharing governments after 2003.  
    According to the group's analysis, Saudi Arabia found the general security situation, especially the presence of Iranian-backed groups near its 800-kilometer border with Iraq, which poses a threat to its interests.  
    Regarding the Iraqi enthusiasm for reconciliation, the group stated that Baghdad, in order to reduce the heat of tension, made efforts to re-make Iraq an arena for regional dialogue instead of proxy confrontation. Understanding to enhance security cooperation.  
    The group believes that the Saudi-Iranian détente may also lead to the removal of political obstacles that stood in the way of Saudi investment in Iraq. And many Iraqis remain skeptical that Iran is ready to make major changes to its longstanding policies in Iraq.  
    Regarding the Iraqi position on the deal, the group's report indicated that the new Iraqi parties and independents welcome the Saudi-Iranian détente and the possibility that it will lead to a reduction in regional tensions. Others warn that increased coordination with Iraq and potential investment in Iraq by Saudi Arabia will only benefit the ruling elite and enhance grip on Iraq.  
    The international group indicated risks to the Saudi-Iranian agreement by saying: It was motivated in part by the kingdom’s desire to protect itself in the event of an escalation of tensions between the United States and Iran, but an outbreak of such violence would make it difficult for Riyadh to continue to engage with Baghdad. 
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