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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A leader in the framework: The amendments to the articles of the region came at the suggestion of Ku

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    A leader in the framework: The amendments to the articles of the region came at the suggestion of Ku Empty A leader in the framework: The amendments to the articles of the region came at the suggestion of Ku

    Post by Rocky Mon 29 May 2023, 4:57 am

    A leader in the framework: The amendments to the articles of the region came at the suggestion of Kurdish blocs

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    Baghdad today - Baghdad 
    The leader in the coordination framework, Hassan Fadam, confirmed today, Sunday, that the political agreement has not been touched by anyone until the moment, while he reduced the importance of the uproar over the amendments to the region's paragraphs in the budget, stressing that it is subject to re-amendment in the House of Representatives.
    Fadam said in a televised interview, followed by (Baghdad Today), that " the Sudanese bloc is the coalition of state administration, and it did not violate any agreement with the Kurdistan region."
    Fadaam added, " The prime minister cannot impose political obligations on the parliament," noting that " until this moment, the political agreement has not been compromised."
    And he continued, " The amendments made by the Finance Committee do not bear any harm, and they  were made with proposals from Kurdish forces, and none of the members of the Finance Committee has hostility or a psychological problem with the region ," pointing out that " some members of the Finance Committee became tired due to fatigue. " Al-Shadid,” in addition to that “ the budget texts are subject to amendment again during the vote on the budget, and there is no reason for this uproar against the Finance Committee.”
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      Current date/time is Thu 12 Sep 2024, 8:14 am