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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Warnings about Iraq continuing to follow its water policies.. How will it affect Mesopotamia?

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Warnings about Iraq continuing to follow its water policies.. How will it affect Mesopotamia? Empty Warnings about Iraq continuing to follow its water policies.. How will it affect Mesopotamia?

    Post by Rocky Sun 17 Sep 2023, 11:44 am

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    [size=52]Warnings about Iraq continuing to follow its water policies.. How will it affect Mesopotamia?[/size]
    • Today 19:02

    Today, Sunday, the water and agricultural expert, Adel Al-Mukhtar, warned of Iraq’s continued following of wrong water policies, while he diagnosed a “disaster” in the agricultural file and made a request regarding the policies followed.
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    Al-Mukhtar said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “If Iraq continues to follow wrong water policies, it will certainly be exposed to a major problem, a severe water crisis, and the drying up of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the coming years.”
    He added, "The country is still using traditional and old irrigation despite the rejection of the Ministries of Water and Agriculture, but despite this, there is a continuation of agriculture and the use of this method."
    The water expert explained, “The winter plan for last year was about 6.5 million dunums for surface irrigation, 4 million dunums for groundwater, and two million for wells, that is, about 12 million dunums,” indicating that “whoever grows this large quantity, how many quantities of water?".
    Adel stated, “This agriculture represents a disaster, and there is supposed to be a feasibility study between using water and growing wheat, and it will produce results that indicate that the country will lose water through this agriculture.” 
    He called for "the necessity of reconsidering agricultural policy and implementing the necessary solutions on the ground."
    Earlier, a member of the House of Representatives, Thaer al-Jubouri, attributed the water crisis to Iraq’s continued reliance on backward irrigation methods until now, while he stressed that cutting off water to Iraq had been done by constructing dangerous irrigation dams in violation of international laws between the riparian countries.
    In recent years, Iraq has been suffering from a major water crisis as a result of the scarcity of quantities arriving from Turkey, which has followed a policy of starving Iraq and trying to exploit the crisis to obtain greater economic and political gains. Ended/25 Rs
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