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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Integrity monitors the cessation of a project to build five schools at a cost of (7) billion dinars

    Admin Assist
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    Integrity monitors the cessation of a project to build five schools at a cost of (7) billion dinars  Empty Integrity monitors the cessation of a project to build five schools at a cost of (7) billion dinars

    Post by Rocky Mon 13 Nov 2023, 7:06 am

    Integrity monitors the cessation of a project to build five schools at a cost of (7) billion dinars in Karbala
    • Time: 2023/11/13 15:15:40
    • Read: 338 times

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    {Local: Al-Furat News} The Investigation Department of the Integrity Commission announced today, Monday, that it had carried out arrest operations in cases of negligence, failure to take legal measures against dilatory companies, embezzlement and violations in purchasing operations, in addition to seizing expired medical materials in a number of districts in the holy governorate of Karbala.
    The department stated in a statement received by {Al-Furat News} that, “The Karbala Investigation Office team, which moved to the Governorate Office - Public Contracts Department, noticed, after carrying out follow-up and investigation work on the violations attributed to the School Buildings Department in the General Directorate of Karbala Education, negligence in taking legal measures.” Against two general contracting companies for their delay in completing projects to build (5) schools, pointing out that the completion rate in those schools, which cost seven billion three hundred and sixty-two million dinars, ranged between (2%-91%), noting that work has been halted since the year 2015.” .
    She added, "The treasurer of a private college was arrested for embezzling an amount of (900,000,000) million dinars from the university fund through fictitious disbursements under the annual rent and maintenance allowance clause, indicating that the embezzled funds are from the percentage of the two shares of the Ministry of Higher Education and the Encouragement of Scientific Research," pointing out. By searching the accused’s home, (72) copies of real estate registration and (6) contracts for the sale of foreign real estate in the name of the accused were seized.
    She noted that “the team was able to monitor that the Purchasing Committee at the College of Dentistry at the University of Karbala purchased (16) dental chairs for the amount of (104,000,000) million dinars during the month of January 2023, revealing that they had not been entered into storage yet, and that there were no purchasing priorities, noting that The team also diagnosed violations by the college’s purchasing committee in the process of purchasing computers at prices twice the prevailing prices in local markets.”
    He confirmed that, “At Al-Hindiya Hospital, two transactions were seized to purchase (4) baby incubators for the amount of (99,000,000) million dinars, indicating that the hospital’s purchasing committee purchased (8) incubators for the premature infant unit, four of which were completed, while (4) were entered.” ) Other incubators returned to work without completing their transactions and putting them into storage, pointing out that the Purchasing Committee did not attract the best offers for purchase. 
    She continued that the team that followed up, investigated and audited the process of purchasing the early warning system in the hospital, which cost (94,000,000) million dinars, showed that its quality was poor and did not conform to the specifications, in addition to not being examined by the Civil Defense Directorate. For the purpose of supporting the work of the system and receiving it.”
    She confirmed that "the hospital's purchasing committee committed another violation by purchasing (30) split air conditioning devices at exaggerated prices, and expired medical supplies (nutraceuticals) were also monitored without the drug store officials in the hospital circulating them among health institutions for the purpose of benefiting from them, in implementation." According to the instructions of the Pharmacy Department in the Karbala Health Department”

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