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    Al-Sudani calls on the House of Representatives to complete the selection of members of the Human Ri

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    Al-Sudani calls on the House of Representatives to complete the selection of members of the Human Ri Empty Al-Sudani calls on the House of Representatives to complete the selection of members of the Human Ri

    Post by Rocky Sun 10 Dec 2023, 4:34 am

    Al-Sudani calls on the House of Representatives to complete the selection of members of the Human Rights Commission

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    2023-12-10 01:38

    Shafaq News/ Today, Sunday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani called on the Iraqi Parliament to complete the selection of members of the High Commission for Human Rights “to be a constitutional and legal support for the process of consolidating the basic principles of human rights and including them in all aspects of the performance of the government apparatus.”
    This came in a speech he delivered during the launch of the second conference of the National Plan for Human Rights in Iraq, which was held by the Ministry of Justice under the slogan (The State of Man is Our Goal), coinciding with the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
    He said in his speech that the government’s responsibility regarding the human rights issue extended to the right to a decent life, the right to escape the inheritance of poverty, and the right to education, health, and services, adding that: The state has the right to search for a job opportunity in a free and productive market, and the right to protect money. The public, the pursuit of spoilers, and the return of the displaced to their areas reinforced and safe.
    He added, "We have opened the windows of communication to any complaint, no matter how small or minor, as it will be given the required attention. We issued clear and strict directives to adhere to humane and legal dealings between law enforcers and citizens."
    Al-Sudani also said: We brought to justice, through legal procedures, everyone who committed inhumane and violating practices, exploiting his authority, in accordance with Article 37 of the Constitution, stressing that we worked to approve the national strategy to combat human trafficking in Iraq, and the national plan attached to it.
    He noted that the Council of Ministers approved the national strategy for suicide prevention, and the draft law on the right to obtain information was referred to the House of Representatives, and we activated the Yazidi Women Survivors Law, and lifted the injustice against this Iraqi component, and the Yazidis took ownership of their places of residence after this file was stalled for a period of more than 40 years. years.
    The Prime Minister also confirmed that the draft law on freedom of expression, assembly, and peaceful demonstration has been amended, to ensure the consolidation and consolidation of constitutional rights.
    He pointed out that we are currently working on a draft law preventing torture and inhuman treatment, as an addition to the system of laws protecting human rights.
    Al-Sudani continued by saying that new categories have been included, and the coverage of existing categories has been expanded, so that social protection will be an umbrella by which the dignity of the Iraqi human being is preserved and the specter of poverty is removed.

    In 2021, the Presidency of the Iraqi Parliament decided to end the duties of the Board of Commissioners in the High Commission for Human Rights due to the expiration of the membership term.
    The presidency decided to manage the commission temporarily by a committee formed by the House of Representatives due to the House of Representatives’ inability to vote on the committee of experts to choose the members of the new commission in order to manage daily financial and administrative matters until the new Council of Commissioners is duly formed.

    In February 2023, the Iraqi Council of Representatives voted to form a committee to select members of the Board of Commissioners for the High Commission for Human Rights.
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