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    Turkmen politician: Election results are “demographically rigged” in favor of the Kurds

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    Turkmen politician: Election results are “demographically rigged” in favor of the Kurds Empty Turkmen politician: Election results are “demographically rigged” in favor of the Kurds

    Post by Rocky Thu 21 Dec 2023, 4:51 am

    Turkmen politician: Election results are “demographically rigged” in favor of the Kurds
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    Baghdad today - Kirkuk
    Former Turkmen MP and politician Fawzi Akram Tarazi confirmed today, Thursday (December 21, 2023), that the results obtained by the Turkmen component were not surprising .
    Tarazi said in an interview with "Baghdad Today", "These results do not represent the demographic reality of Kirkuk, due to the falsification of voter records in favor of the Kurdish component, and the bringing of thousands of Kurds from Kurdistan and even from Iran and Turkey and housing them in Kirkuk throughout the years in which the Kurds controlled Kirkuk." .
    He added, "The Turkmen pay the tax and are caught between the hammer of Erbil and the anvil of the center," stressing that "We will not accept the policy of exclusion and marginalization, and our representation in Kirkuk must be respected, and we will not accept that we be dealt with according to the results of the recent elections, which contain significant fraud ."
    The day before yesterday, Tuesday, the Independent High Commission in Iraq announced the preliminary results of the provincial council elections, with the Kurds winning a majority of votes in the Kirkuk Provincial Council elections .
    According to the preliminary results of the provincial council elections in Kirkuk Governorate announced by the Commission, “Kirkuk, Our Strength, Our Imports” received 139,373 votes, the Arab Alliance 98,174 votes, the United Iraqi Turkmen Front 72,281 votes, the Leadership 59,430, the Kurdistan Democratic Party 46,749, Arabism 46,065, and the New Generation Movement. 24,620, Kirkukna 21,114, Kirkuk Landmarks 6,655, Amir Boutros 1,493, Babylon Movement 1,301, Ismail Yahya 726, Hammurabi 516, Kurdistan Social Democratic Party 377, Civil Alliance 288, Trust Party 245, and Karam Ramez 235 votes .
    Kirkuk is 298 kilometers north of Baghdad, and the population of the governorate is approximately 1.6 million people, according to the latest official statistics, and it includes a population mix from various Iraqi components, including minorities .
    Kirkuk is distinguished among the Iraqi governorates, as it is considered one of the disputed areas between Baghdad and Erbil in accordance with Article 140 of the Constitution approved in 2005, in addition to containing 6 giant oil fields whose reserves are estimated at about 13 billion barrels .
    Since the American occupation of Iraq in 2003, the Kurdish forces (Peshmerga) have controlled the center of the city of Kirkuk, but law enforcement operations - launched by the government of former Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in October 2017 after the referendum on the secession of the Kurdistan region from Iraq - shifted security control. In the governorate, the Iraqi army forces withdrew from the city center with the withdrawal of the Peshmerga forces .
    The new amended election law stipulates that the date for holding local elections in governorates not organized in a region should not be later than December 20, which applies to Kirkuk Governorate .
    Since 2003, Iraq has witnessed the holding of 3 local elections in Iraq, the first was in 2005, followed by the 2009 elections, then the 2013 elections. However, Kirkuk Governorate only witnessed one electoral round, which was the one that was held in 2005, and then participated In the elections held two days ago .
    It is noteworthy that the new election law stipulates - in Article 15 (Second - A) - that the governorate councils shall consist of 12 seats, with one seat added for every 200,000 people, for governorates whose population exceeds one million people, according to the 2019 statistics, and then The number of members of the next Kirkuk Provincial Council will be 15 seats, in proportion to its population of 1.6 million people .
    The law also singled out a special article related to the Kirkuk elections, stipulating that the Elections Commission should audit the voter register in coordination with the Ministries of Interior, Health, Justice, Planning and Trade, provided that the voter register in Kirkuk is based on the 1957 population census, and the right to vote is guaranteed for those deported from the governorate who bypassed the procedures of the Kirkuk Committee. Fact-finding regarding Article 140 of the Constitution for the disputed areas.
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