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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    5 days after sending the money and the Kurdistan government has not paid the salaries...a political

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    5 days after sending the money and the Kurdistan government has not paid the salaries...a political  Empty 5 days after sending the money and the Kurdistan government has not paid the salaries...a political

    Post by Rocky Sun 17 Mar 2024, 4:44 am

    5 days after sending the money and the Kurdistan government has not paid the salaries...a political demand for investigation

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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    Today, Saturday (March 16, 2024), former member of the Kurdistan Regional Parliament, Kawa Abdul Qadir , called on the Iraqi federal government and the Ministry of Finance to inquire about the fate of the money it sent to Erbil as salaries, and to put pressure on the regional government to pay the employees’ salaries because they were delayed despite 5 days having passed since the money was sent. from Baghdad.
    Abdul Qadir said in an interview with "Baghdad Today", "The regional government refuses to pay employees' salaries despite sending amounts from Baghdad since last week."
    He added, "The regional government has not yet announced the date for distributing salaries, even though about 45 days have passed since the last salary received by the Kurdish employee, and we are in the month of Ramadan and difficult circumstances. Here, the Federal Ministry of Finance must inquire about the funds it sent."
    Five days ago, specifically last Monday, the Federal Ministry of Finance announced sending the funds allocated for the salaries of Kurdistan Region employees, as well as retirees and social welfare, while the Ministry indicated that it would not pay the salaries of the month of March to Kurdistan employees until after their salaries are settled in the banks.
    For its part, the Ministry of Finance of Kurdistan said that it requested funding of the salaries of salary recipients in the region in full and without discrimination by the Ministry of Finance of the Federal Government for the month of February in an amount of more than 949 billion dinars, but the Federal Ministry of Finance only funded 560 billion and 219 million dinars, which is It represents (59%) of the region’s total salaries, which led to the creation of a deficit in disbursing the region’s salaries for the month of February,” according to the Kurdistan Ministry of Finance.
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      Current date/time is Mon 20 Jan 2025, 7:21 am