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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Barzani: The dangers facing Kurdistan still exist and the international community must protect it

    Admin Assist
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    Barzani: The dangers facing Kurdistan still exist and the international community must protect it Empty Barzani: The dangers facing Kurdistan still exist and the international community must protect it

    Post by Rocky Fri 05 Apr 2024, 5:10 am

    Barzani: The dangers facing Kurdistan still exist and the international community must protect it
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today,
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    Baghdad today - Erbil 
    The Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, confirmed today, Friday (April 5, 2024), that the dangers facing the region still exist, calling on the international community to take a serious stance to protect its citizens and defend their legitimate rights.
    Barzani said on the occasion of the anniversary of the adoption of Resolution 688 by the UN Security Council, according to a statement received by “Baghdad Today,” “Today we mark the thirty-third anniversary of Resolution No. 688, which was adopted by the UN Security Council on April 5, 1991, in response to the brutal attacks and assaults launched by The former Iraqi regime oppressed the citizens of Kurdistan, which caused a mass exodus of millions of them towards the border in search of safety.”
    Barzani added, "This important and historic decision played a pivotal role in establishing a no-fly zone, which led to curbing the attacks, injustice, and oppression practiced by the Baathist regime. The decision contributed to protecting the Kurdistan region from a new genocide, after the international community responded to the calls for help from our people." And his calls, which paved the way for successful parliamentary elections that resulted in the formation of the Kurdistan Regional Government.”
    He explained, "Resolution 688 represents a milestone and a decisive turning point in the struggle of the people of Kurdistan and their struggle to achieve their legitimate rights." 
    At the conclusion of his statement, Barzani stressed that “the dangers facing the people of Kurdistan still exist, and that their rights and achievements are still threatened,” stressing “the need for the international community to assume its responsibility to take a serious stance in order to protect our people and defend their legitimate rights, as well as reassure them.” To ensure that he is not again subjected to any genocide or violations of his legitimate rights.”
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