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    "Illegal" foreign workers threaten the labor market

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    "Illegal" foreign workers threaten the labor market Empty "Illegal" foreign workers threaten the labor market

    Post by Rocky Wed 07 Aug 2024, 5:15 am

    "Illegal" foreign workers threaten the labor market

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    The labor market in Iraq provides an unprecedented opportunity for foreign workers from Southeast Asian countries and some Middle Eastern countries suffering from security disturbances, which has led to the influx of workers from these countries illegally and their transformation into an unprecedented phenomenon.
    According to informed sources, the number of licensed workers is 51,000 foreign workers, while the number of illegal workers is several times that number, reaching hundreds of thousands.
    “The ministry is taking all legal measures against foreign (official) workers that are commensurate with the size of what the labor market requires,” said Kazem Al-Atwani, the media director of the Ministry of Labor, in an interview with “Al-Sabah” followed by “Al-Eqtisad News.” He added, “There is a leakage of foreign workers, especially Syrians, who come through the Kurdistan Region with some facilities, but without legal procedures or residency,” stressing that “this is a dilemma, and we conduct periodic inspection tours of all factories and companies.”
    “We have given a deadline until September 1st, and employers who have foreign workers (unlicensed) can correct their status,” he continued, explaining that “there will be legal measures against violators among foreigners and employers, and we have inspection committees working around the clock to correct the status of foreign workers.” Al-Atwani warned that “these committees have worked during the past period, and a large number of violators have been deported, and complicit companies have been punished.”
    For his part, economic expert Rashid Al-Saadi criticized the increase in the number of unskilled foreign workers, warning that many of them are active in illegal work.
    Al-Saadi said, “Iraq does not need unskilled workers who have affected the labor market, which is characterized by low wages, the absence of social problems, and long working hours, unlike the Iraqi worker.” He added, “Foreign workers have affected the labor market with large numbers of them in the hundreds of thousands.
    He added, "Iraq needs skilled intermediate cadres," and Al-Saadi warned that "illegal migrant labor clearly contributes to begging, prostitution, and issues that violate morals and security."

    Added 2024/08/07 - 9:13 AM
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