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    New appointments delay payment of salaries to employees in Kurdistan Region

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    New appointments delay payment of salaries to employees in Kurdistan Region Empty New appointments delay payment of salaries to employees in Kurdistan Region

    Post by Rocky Thu 08 Aug 2024, 4:36 am

    New appointments delay payment of salaries to employees in Kurdistan Region
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today, 
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    Baghdad Today - Erbil 
    An informed source revealed, today, Thursday (August 8, 2024), the main reason behind the delay in disbursing employees’ salaries in the Kurdistan Region.
    The source said in an interview with "Baghdad Today" that "the main reason behind the delay in paying salaries is the new appointments and contracts made by the regional government, which caused a significant increase in the total amount of salaries."
    He added that "the Federal Ministry of Finance decided to delay sending the amount until the lists are verified, and also to investigate and discuss the reasons for the increase, because the new amounts for employee salaries exceeded one trillion dinars, while the previous amount was less than 950 billion dinars."
    Former Kurdistan Regional Parliament member Ahmed Daban confirmed on Thursday (July 25, 2024) that the regional government was deliberately delaying the procedures for localizing employees’ salaries in order to make them resort exclusively to its affiliated banks.
    Daban said in an interview with Baghdad Today, "The procedures for localizing the salaries of the region's employees are proceeding slowly, contrary to the decision of the Federal Court and the decisions of the Ministry of Finance, which stipulated the acceleration of localizing salaries and disbursing them electronically."
    He added that "the aim of this maneuver by the regional government is to gain time and for the purpose of settling in its banks exclusively," stating that "settling in the Trade Bank of Iraq is very small, compared to the banks affiliated with the regional government, and this confirms the existence of circumvention of the decision of the judiciary and the government."
    Daban explained that "if these slow procedures continue, they will not end until the end of this year and the employee will continue to receive his salary manually."
    There are major concerns, objections and problems regarding the issue of localizing salaries of Kurdistan Region employees and the possibility of the regional government intervening and benefiting from it, especially with the recent clarification issued by the Federal Supreme Court, which confirmed that its decision regarding localization includes all banks licensed by the Central Bank operating in the Kurdistan Region.
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      Current date/time is Sun 15 Sep 2024, 6:55 pm