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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Details of a corruption deal 10 times the theft of the century

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Details of a corruption deal 10 times the theft of the century Empty Details of a corruption deal 10 times the theft of the century

    Post by Rocky Wed 04 Sep 2024, 4:08 am

    [size=35][size=35]Details of a corruption deal 10 times the theft of the century[/size]
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    2024-09-03 | 12:00
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    Alsumaria News - Local:
    Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Economy and Industry Committee, Yasser Al-Hussaini, revealed today, Tuesday, the details of the corruption deal that is equivalent to 10 times the theft of the century, noting that the process of collecting signatures to question the Minister of Transport is underway.


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    Al-Hussaini told Sumarya News that “the corruption file of the railway line linking the south of the country to the north represents 10 times the theft of the century, represented by the General Railway Company’s contract with three joint-stock companies, namely the Korean Daewoo, Al-Nahala and Al-Maha companies, to maintain and rehabilitate the old railways, not electric railways or modern railways,” indicating that “this contract from beginning to end is a major corruption.”

    He added, "This contract mortgages Iraqi oil, otherwise it includes a legal obligation to pay the contract amount of 22 and a half billion dollars."

    He explained that "there will be a real guarantee of this amount, and the contract is still in effect," expecting that "the parliamentary session will end, the role of this government will end, and Iraq will be sued in international forums and fined the contract amount."

    He stated that "the House of Representatives is proceeding with collecting signatures and questioning the Minister of Transport," noting that "these are the channels available to us to carry out our oversight role over the government."

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      Current date/time is Sat 14 Sep 2024, 9:26 am