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    Kurdistan announce the arrival of 250 billion dinars from Baghdad and is preparing to pay salaries n

    Interacting Investor
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    Kurdistan announce the arrival of 250 billion dinars from Baghdad and is preparing to pay salaries n - Page 2 Empty Kurdistan announce the arrival of 250 billion dinars from Baghdad and is preparing to pay salaries n

    Post by lonelyintexas Fri Feb 27, 2015 1:32 am

    First topic message reminder :

    Kurdistan announce the arrival of 250 billion dinars from Baghdad and is preparing to pay salaries next week
    Author: HH, RA
    Editor: HH
    26/02/2015 17:05
    Number of Views: 22
    Long-Presse / Sulaymaniyah
    The Central Bank announced in Kurdistan region of Iraq, Thursday, arrived about 250 billion dinars from the central government to Arbil, while the Ministry of Finance in the region confirmed that the employees' salaries will be distributed early next week.
    He said the central bank director in Kurdistan Adham Khurshid in a newspaper quoted statements and media Kurdish and vassal (range Press), "The amount of 250 billion dinars, arrived this afternoon from the central government to Arbil," noting that "the amount will be transferred to the Central Bank ".

    For his part, said a spokesman for the Ministry of Finance and Economy in the Kurdistan Regional Government, Ahmed Abdel Rahman, said that "upon the arrival of the amount we will distribute ministries and institutions that did not receive one month's salary in December last salaries."

    Abdul Rahman said that "it is scheduled to resume the distribution of salaries process starting from the beginning of next week."

    The head of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Barzani said, in the 23 February 2015, he brought with him from Turkey during the recent visit of $ 500 million to pay the salaries of the staff of the Kurdistan region.

    The head of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Barzani revealed, in the (February 16, 2015), for the Baghdad to pay salaries to its employees every 40 days, and confirmed that the central government "bankrupt" and undergoing a financial crisis, and said that the right of the region cut off oil exports in the event of non-receipt of allowances agreed, as pointed out that the agreement provides for sending more than one trillion dinars from Baghdad to Arbil.

    The head of the Iraqi Council of Ministers Haider Abadi stressed, in the (February 16, 2015), that Iraq faces many challenges including the decline in oil prices and their impact on the budget and the security challenge, and stressed the need for concerted efforts to liberate the city of Mosul and the rest areas in coordination between Baghdad and Erbil, and as pointed out that the government is committed to resolving the problems with the Kurdistan region in accordance with the Constitution, the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani stressed the keenness of the region to communicate with Baghdad to solve all the problems.

    The head of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani, in (January 28, 2015), that there is a misunderstanding with the central government on the export of oil, and pointed out that the region will not issue more than the agreed amount, and as pointed out that Kurdistan is facing the biggest financial problem, he stressed that the government is obliged to take special measures to address them.

    Agreed the central and Kurdistan governments in the (second from December 2014), to allocate a portion of the federal allocations of Iraqi ground forces to the Peshmerga forces, and delivery of the Kurdistan Regional Government, 250 thousand barrels of oil per day in addition to the export of Iraq 300 thousand barrels per day of Kirkuk.

    With the agreement also included the granting of a trillion and 200 billion dinars for the Peshmerga forces and the allocation of a percentage of the budget of the Ministry of Defense have.

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    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    Kurdistan announce the arrival of 250 billion dinars from Baghdad and is preparing to pay salaries n - Page 2 Empty Re: Kurdistan announce the arrival of 250 billion dinars from Baghdad and is preparing to pay salaries n

    Post by fonz1951 Fri Feb 27, 2015 1:18 pm

    Neno wrote:Lol, can't spend dinars anywhere but in country fonz.....yes --> freak but.....since you got a NNP tee shirt, let you slide this time... laugh

    you know i appreciate that, haven't lost that sense of humor either have you now?   con   duck

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