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    The reconstruction of the affected areas Fund

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    The reconstruction of the affected areas Fund Empty The reconstruction of the affected areas Fund

    Post by Rocky Sun 04 Sep 2016, 3:00 am

    The reconstruction of the affected areas Fund

    04/09/2016 0:00

    [rtl]Yasser incumbent 
    experiencing Baghdad these days dynamic range in the corridors of the reconstruction ofareas affected by the terrorist attacks , especially among the lending countries and relevant ministries fund, Tteward questions about the role played by this fund.Understand Kaguetsadaan and followers of economic affairs said the fund is defined as «a bowl to collect funds for a goal» It is clear that this fund is a pot of money derived from international loans and grants to help Iraq rebuild Alaammar.hassana what tasks performed by Will his mission limited to the accumulation of money? Of course not, but there is a difficult task in a very difficult supposed to be borne by the Fund, on how tomake the most of that money to benefit and maintain the manner of expenditure, so we understand the most important role the Fund plays but how and why? 
    Why order to Atahedr money that has been lost under the banner of the reconstruction of Iraq through previous era and that billions of dollars to no avail. 
    the fund by paying great importance to supervision and follow - up and participate in planning to invest this money in its natural place. This task morecomplicated than we imagine , because the goals of the loans is to speed up the implementation of infrastructure projects for the affected areas in order to enable thepopulation to return to their lands and interests for the continuation of normal life and this is the goal of the government. The expected results of the implementation of these projects they will contribute to easing the burden allocated to the displaced families due to the terrorist operations budgets. What is required from the fund at this stage?Certainly intervene in the event of the need to choose priorities related projects which are more encroachment on the lives of citizens by helping ministries that are based on estimates of the provinces in order to achieve the desired goals of loans and grants. If the fund has succeeded and we are sure of his abilities and Followers of activities to achieve this goal , I think that the future will be a fund promising in the reconstruction ofIraq Overall , especially that global and local specialized expertise adopted on how todeal with money. We expect him through this experience to be the nucleus of a fund forfuture development that economists recommend created to achieve sustainabledevelopment.[/rtl]

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