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    Parliament estimated budget revenues next with 67 trillion dinars

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Parliament estimated budget revenues next with 67 trillion dinars Empty Parliament estimated budget revenues next with 67 trillion dinars

    Post by Rocky Mon 24 Oct 2016, 5:42 pm

    Parliament estimated budget revenues next with 67 trillion dinars

    – October 24, 2016

    BAGHDAD - Qusay, Monzer

    House of Representatives has postponed its meeting to next Tuesday after the first reading of the law the next year's budget included a functional grades of defense, interior, education and health, while the governor of Nineveh province Nofal Hammadi announced coordination to restore displaced Bartila Hamdania home after securing the services. The Board noted that the price of a barrel passed the $ 42 and a deficit of 21 trillion dinars. He said the Kurdistan Alliance MP Ahmed Sarhan (time) yesterday that (parliament ended the first reading of the law the next year's budget included job grades for the defense, interior, education and health). Adding that the (budget included significant paragraphs, including spending, which amounts to 95 trillion dinars The deficit ratio is estimated at 21 trillion dinars). He is pointing out that the (non-oil revenues amounted to 11 trillion dinars and oil revenues of up to 67 trillion dinars based on the price of a barrel of oil at 42 dollars at the rate of production of 3.75 million barrels per day). He said that Sirhan (Parliament decided to postpone the vote on the General Authority to monitor the allocation of federal revenue law). He said Ahmed said (the House of Representatives decided to postpone the first reading of the law of the First Amendment to the law of the national card) He continued that the (Iraqi Forces Union followed a statement condemned the attack, which targeted a number of neighborhoods of Kirkuk and called for the formation of a neutral committee to determine the cause of the breach of security and to stop the illegal actions taken against folks IDPs). The head of parliament Saleem al-Jubouri has announced the extension of the current legislative term for a month after the arrival of the budget law. Jubouri said in a meeting yesterday (we extend the current legislative term for a month after the arrival of the budget) law. He stressed the (importance of fueling the body the crowd and review the law, especially since the government has a formal and substantive law relating to the title and comprehensiveness as one of the formations of the armed forces and that includes all parties and provinces) Notes. To that he denied the governor of Kirkuk, Najm al-Din Karim by local and security authorities deported forcibly displaced families from the province. A statement received by the (time) yesterday that the (governor of Kirkuk, Najm al-Din Karim met with the Governor of Nineveh Nofal Hammadi and head of the provincial council Bashar Alkika who visited the province to see the situation after they witnessed the terrorist attack carried out by the organization Daesh that wanted to losses coverage in the battlefronts in Kirkuk gangs Mosul and other places). Said Karim (there is no decision of the displaced people of Nineveh evacuated without desire) and called (the federal government to create a climate and provide services to ensure the return of displaced persons to their areas liberated and confirm victory over Daesh terrorist gangs through the return of displaced persons). He pointed out that we (do not with any demolition and displacement of any area of ​​operations was, except for the areas adjacent to the fronts of fighting between security forces and gangs Daesh terrorist according to what you find necessary to the security forces against any practice inconsistent with the sacrifices of our troops and its defense of Kirkuk and protection for displaced people). For his part, the governor of Nineveh Nofal said Hammadi (visit to Kirkuk came to bless the victory achieved by the security forces and remnants of the defeated Daesh) denied (the information picked up by the administration of Kirkuk deport displaced families). He said (we are on behalf of all the people of Nineveh and Nazhehm thank the local government and the private conservative care for the displaced) indicating that (there is coordination between Nineveh and Kirkuk to ensure the return of displaced persons in an orderly private liberated areas in Bartila Hamdania after securing the services) and called on the head of the Nineveh provincial council Bashar Alkika (IDPs of the province of Kirkuk in the cohesion and solidarity to be an important and supportive of the security services part).

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