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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Stop embezzlement within a branch of the Rafidain Bank and retrieval of 10 billion dinars

    Admin Assist
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    Stop embezzlement within a branch of the Rafidain Bank and retrieval of 10 billion dinars Empty Stop embezzlement within a branch of the Rafidain Bank and retrieval of 10 billion dinars

    Post by Rocky Sun 04 Dec 2016, 3:03 am

    Stop embezzlement within a branch of the Rafidain Bank and retrieval of 10 billion dinars


    [rtl]Stop embezzlement within a branch of the Rafidain Bank and retrieval of 10 billion dinars[/rtl]

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    Admin Assist
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    Stop embezzlement within a branch of the Rafidain Bank and retrieval of 10 billion dinars Empty Stop embezzlement within a branch of the Rafidain Bank and retrieval of 10 billion dinars

    Post by Rocky Sun 04 Dec 2016, 3:49 am

    [rtl][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.][/rtl]
    [rtl]Stop embezzlement within a branch of the Rafidain Bank and retrieval of 10 billion dinars[/rtl]

    [rtl]BAGHDAD / Sky Press [/rtl]
    [rtl]It announced a court of inquiry integrity in Baghdad, Sunday, stop for embezzlement in a bank and retrieve 10 billion dinars.[/rtl]
    [rtl]He said the first judge Mohammed Salman said in a statement received by "Sky Press," that "joint efforts in coordination with the inspector general of the Ministry of Finance and the Office led to the recovery of the amount of 10 billion dinars."[/rtl]
    [rtl]Salman said, that "the amount came close to being embezzled by the electronic clearing system," pointing out that "the attempt to get the refund has been made through loans to Rafidain Bank branch officers in the role of Zayouna."[/rtl]
    [rtl]He said Salman, that "the court has completed over the past month 438 suit," noting that "continuing to raise the level of achievement as directed by the President of the Federal Judiciary Judge Medhat al-Mahmoud efforts."[/rtl]
    [rtl]The specialized integrity issues in the Baghdad court of inquiry, announced earlier, the arrest of an employee accused of embezzling more than 600 million dinars, stressing that the action happened in coordination with the inspector general of the Ministry of Finance.[/rtl]

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    Admin Assist
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    Stop embezzlement within a branch of the Rafidain Bank and retrieval of 10 billion dinars Empty Iraq announces foil embezzlement of 10 billion dinars electronically

    Post by Rocky Sun 04 Dec 2016, 4:44 am

    Iraq announces foil embezzlement of 10 billion dinars electronically

    Sunday 04-12-2016 | 12:05:13

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    H d
    Twilight News / announced a court of inquiry integrity in Baghdad for retrieval of 10 billion dinars, stressing that the amount is almost embezzling through the electronic clearing system.
    He said the first judge Mohammed Salman in a statement to the Twilight News, the media center for the judiciary that "joint efforts in coordination with the inspector general of the Ministry of Finance and the Office led to the recovery of the amount of 10 billion dinars."
    Salman said that "the amount is almost embezzled by the electronic clearing system," pointing out that "the attempt to get the refund has been made through loans to Rafidain Bank branch officers in the role of Zayouna."
    On the other hand, he stressed that "the court has completed over the past month 438 suit," noting that "continuous efforts to raise the level of achievement as directed by Mr. President of the Federal Judiciary Judge Medhat al-Mahmoud."

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Stop embezzlement within a branch of the Rafidain Bank and retrieval of 10 billion dinars Empty Court to achieve fairness in Baghdad recovered 10 billion dinars in the embezzlement

    Post by Rocky Sun 04 Dec 2016, 4:51 am

    Court to achieve fairness in Baghdad recovered 10 billion dinars in the embezzlement
    Wrote: December 4, 2016
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Court to achieve fairness in Baghdad announced the recovery of ten billion dinars.
    He said the first judge Mohammed Salman said in a statement that the amount came close to being embezzled by the electronic clearing system, pointing out that the attempt to get the refund has been made through loans to Rafidain Bank branch officers in the role of Zayouna.
    On the other hand, he stressed that the court was completed during the last month, four hundred and thirty-eight suit, noting that efforts are continuing to raise the level of achievement as directed by the President of the Federal Judiciary Judge Medhat al-Mahmoud.

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277595
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Stop embezzlement within a branch of the Rafidain Bank and retrieval of 10 billion dinars Empty The electronic clearing last Bida embezzlement in Iraq .. save 10 billion dinars last moments

    Post by Rocky Sun 04 Dec 2016, 7:06 am

    [ltr]The electronic clearing last Bida embezzlement in Iraq .. save 10 billion dinars last moments[/ltr]

    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Baghdad -arac Press -4 in December announced a court to achieve fairness in Baghdad thwarted the theft of 10 billion dinars, through the electronic clearing system.

    He said the first judge Mohammed Salman said in a statement to the media center for the judiciary, said that "joint efforts in coordination with the inspector general of the Ministry of Finance and the Office led to the recovery of the amount of 10 billion dinars."

    Salman said that " the amount is almost embezzled by the electronic clearing system , " pointing out that " the attempt to get the refund has been made through loans to Rafidain Bank branch officers inthe role of Zayouna."

    On the other hand, he stressed that " the court has completed over the past month 438 suit , " noting that "continuous efforts to raise the level of achievement as directed by Mr. President of the Federal Judiciary Judge Medhat al - Mahmoud , " .anthy (1)

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    Stop embezzlement within a branch of the Rafidain Bank and retrieval of 10 billion dinars Empty Re: Stop embezzlement within a branch of the Rafidain Bank and retrieval of 10 billion dinars

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