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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    In short

    Admin Assist
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    In short Empty In short

    Post by Rocky Sat 07 Jan 2017, 1:56 am

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    In short

    The Ministry of Electricity opens manufacturing plant gray 

    and Ministry of Electricity announced the opening of eastern Ramadi manufacturing plant and restoring electricity to areas after a three - year interruption. 
    A statement by the Information Office of the Minister of Electricity, said that "the Minister of Electricity [Qassim Fahdawi] opened east of Ramadi plant manufacturing 132 KV and the delivery of the line carrier west of Baghdad to the Sufi station that feeds the city of Ramadi and the island of Ramadi, east of Ramadi, Khalidiya and its neighboring areas, after a power failure for those areas for a period of three years. " 

    Gunmen steal 60 Skhana in Kirkuk , 

    a security source in Kirkuk province, on Friday, that the unidentified gunmen stole 60 Skhana from a warehouse in the north of the province. The source said, in an interview with the (range), said that "unidentified gunmen stormed, in the small hours of the night yesterday, a store featuring heaters for water in Khan palm area, north of the city of Kirkuk, and stole 60 Skhana and passed through three vehicles type (KIA) and ran fled to an unknown destination. " 
    The source, who requested anonymity, that " the security force rushed to the scene and opened an investigation to ascertain," without giving further details. 
    The province of Kirkuk is witnessing the theft and Tsil operations almost almost daily, where police forces and Asayish prosecute the perpetrators of these operations and the disclosure of their identity. 

    Basra arresting drug holder of an American passport 

    Committee announced its border crossings in the province of Basra, on Friday, that the security force arrested in Basra International Airport is accused of possessing the amount of drugs carries an American passport , and works in a security company. 
    Committee Chairman Murtaza cream lipodeca in an interview that " the security forces arrested, yesterday morning, at Basra International Airport , is accused of possessing 26 grams of the drug carrying a US passport and works in the security services company , " noting that "substance abuse has been inferred by device for the detection of drugs. " 
    Lipodeca He pointed out that " the accused is under investigation at the airport police station," adding that " the arrest came two days after the arrest of the accused after the German, and this confirms that the security forces in Basra International Airport fulfill their duties efficiently 
    and effectively." 

    Boy commits suicide by hanging in Dhi Qar 

    announced Dhi Qar province police headquarters, on Friday, the boy 's suicide by hanging himself inside his home southeast of Nasiriyah, while confirming that an investigation into the incident. 
    According to the Police Directorate of Dhi Qar, in a statement received (range) a copy of it, " The police maintain recorded new cases of suicide of a boy fourteen years old. , Where the oldest boy (H.g.j) to hang himself by a rope at his home in the neighborhood of al - Zahra district Sudainawah. 
    the statement added that " the victim 's body was sent to forensic medicine at Al - Hussein Teaching Hospital , the center of Nasiriyah to determine the causes of death," he " to open an investigation into the incident by the forensic experts." 
    the statement continued that " the plaintiffs ' right to personal did not ask for the complaint , claiming that he suffers from mental disorders. " 
    the recent years have witnessed increasing incidence of suicides in Iraq for several reasons , including the weakness of the religious faith and the frustration experienced by young people as a result of the large number of temptations, especially provided by the new technologies, compared to a lack of resources and the spread of unemployment and destitution.
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