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    Economists rule out the impact of higher oil and gold on food prices

    Admin Assist
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    Economists rule out the impact of higher oil and gold on food prices Empty Economists rule out the impact of higher oil and gold on food prices

    Post by Rocky Mon 05 Aug 2013, 7:07 am

    Economists rule out the impact of higher oil and gold on food prices

    Economic News / Riyadh the

    Ruled out the Economists Aalmeon I followed Riyadh their analyzes in a number of bulletins of the global economic specialized that there will be any effect my future on food prices to global markets result of the continued oil and gold prices in the levels of high-throughout the the past months, the expectation that is witnessing prices of basic commodities and foodstuffs a noticeable decline during the the coming weeks what is positively reflected on the standard of living for the peoples of the the world.

    Where the Analysts pointed out Economists in the "Market and Watch" to the that production the growing global of grain will contribute to the contribution of actors in the decline in the prices foodstuffs despite the continuation of of oil in the levels high-that surpass the 108 dollars a barrel throughout the the past two years and skip gold barrier $ 1,300 for an ounce, pointing to the be directed Number of from the investors to the of agricultural projects led to the high rates of of agricultural production and support the The availability of food in at suitable prices.

    While predicted's bulletin "Econmk Trends" that the is witnessing material prices food and a private grain downs during the current year influenced by an increase of production this year where the made ​​it clear the Organization of the Food and Agriculture the global that the the global production of grain in 2013 log a significant increase increased by 7.2% to reach to 479 2 million tons registered thereby be incremented by a new record. Indicating that the global production of of wheat in the the year 2013 will reach 704 million tons, an increase of increase of 6.8%, as that the of rice-the global from the production in 2013 will increase by 1.9% for the up to 500 million tons.

    He attributed the Analysts in "Enerji and Watch" increase the production of agricultural materials in the past period to the availability of sources of energy suitable prices and draws investments a global to the domains Agricultural after the fluctuating prices gold during the beginning of the year the current and the concern of investors from the the possibility pummeling prices of the yellow metal to levels make him non-spectators turned up for investment

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