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    Vice-law: the crowd popular national body and moves on the orders of Prime Minister

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Vice-law: the crowd popular national body and moves on the orders of Prime Minister Empty Vice-law: the crowd popular national body and moves on the orders of Prime Minister

    Post by Rocky Sat 03 Jun 2017, 2:33 am

    Vice-law: the crowd popular national body and moves on the orders of Prime Minister


    The MP for a coalition of state law Mansour Baaja that "popular crowd belonging to the prime minister body obeys the orders of the Prime Minister to any area of ​​their movements go to edit them in order to eliminate Daesh Takfiri gangs.
    He said Baaja in a press statement obtained "direction Press" on a copy of "the Peshmerga forces, which obeys the orders of Massoud Barzani left the territories occupied after the entry of terrorist Daesh gangs and return to the areas they held before 2003 and abide by the constitution and the law and to refrain from launching irresponsible statements and insolent against the popular crowd who sacrificed the most precious possessions in order to defend the homeland and holy sites and liberating them from the control of these criminal gangs. "
    He added that "Barzani's policy hostile policy toward the federal government deals with Iraq's Kurdistan as if another country is not part of it, especially by declaring his intention to seize the lands that emancipated the Peshmerga and annexed to the region by the Constitution and the law hitting the wall."
    He Baaja that "it was better for Massoud Barzani and the Peshmerga take out the occupied Turkish troops from Iraqi territory and not the threat of federal government forces and therefore Barzani its policy of these walks the region and the Kurdish people to an uncertain future dire consequences through his policy hostile with the center and the exploitation of the feelings of the Kurdish street with his calls flimsy and repeated independence. "

    He continued , "Barzani was serious in his quest for independence , it should play without raising slogans and escalating the pathetic launch flimsy statements." sa

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