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    China seeks to increase trade exchange with Iraq by $20 billion in 2013

    Admin Assist
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    China seeks to increase trade exchange with Iraq by $20 billion in 2013 Empty China seeks to increase trade exchange with Iraq by $20 billion in 2013

    Post by Rocky Mon 02 Sep 2013, 5:08 pm

    China seeks to increase trade exchange with Iraq by $20 billion in 2013

    Editor: BK, BS 2/9/2013, 17:03
    Said a Chinese diplomat on Monday, that the volume of trade exchange for his country with Iraq was in 2012 past 17 billion and $ 500 million, hoping to rise to $ 20 billion in 2013, the current, while showed a Chinese company specialized communications willingness to expand its services and cooperation with Iraq, Baghdad University, showed that it is seeking to attract the company’s experience and indigenization being universally known.

    This came during the opening of Huawei Telecom, today, its training specialist techniques of communication at the University of Baghdad, attended by Undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Chinese consul in Baghdad, Shen Zen, and university officials, and attended (Long Press).

    The Chinese consul in Baghdad, Shen Zen, in an interview to (range Press), on the sidelines of the opening ceremony, “The training center, which was opened by Huawei at the University of Baghdad, is the fifth session on her worldwide”, noting that “the center comes in part of efforts to activate the role of Chinese companies in Iraq and strengthen relations of cooperation between the two countries. “

    Zain added, that “the volume of bilateral trade between China and Iraq in the past in 2012, reached 17 billion and $ 500 million,” noting that “the size of this exchange between the two countries reached during the first half of the current year 2013, 11 billion dollars.”

    The Chinese consul, expressed the hope that “the rising trade volume between China and Iraq to 20 billion dollars by the end of this year,” pointing out that “the volume of trade between the two countries increased by 25 percent annually, and the volume of Chinese investments in Iraq amounting to two billion and 500 million dollars” .

    Zain stressed that “Huawei, play an important role in the field of communications and information technology in Iraq,” he continued, “Huawei is seeking to provide services to citizens and the center, which opened at the University of Baghdad, but a model of it.”

    For his part, Head of Engineering at the University of Baghdad, Ahmed companion, in an interview to (range Press), “The contract was signed in (the fourth of September 2012 the past), with Huawei Chinese specialized communications for the opening of a training center at the University of Baghdad,” referring to “The four of teaching Faculty of Engineering, University of Baghdad, have completed a training course organized by the company for them for a month.”
    Companion added, “The center, which opened today, his work has already begun in (the 28 of January 2013), through the training of the first group.”

    It said a representative of Huawei in the Middle East, Shan Xu, in an interview to (range Press), “The company is working since 1994 have been chosen during the last five years among the top 500 global company for information technology,” explaining that “the company made a profit nearly 30 billion dollars. “

    Xu explained, that “the company is ready to expand its cooperation with Iraq,” expected to “contribute to the training center, which opened at the University of Baghdad in achieving significant benefits to both parties.”
    Meanwhile, the director of continuing education at the University of Baghdad, Firas Mohammed, said in an interview to (range Press), has “entered a training course at the University of Huawei, which includes students from around the world, for a period of 29 days on communication technologies,” returned to ” the company is one of the world’s largest companies, the first in the third and fourth generation communications. “

    Mohammed continued, that “the university is seeking to attract Huawei experience of Iraq, through the training of teachers to be trained in turn later,” noting that “the Centre is currently training 30 people from various Iraqi ministries and universities.”

    It is noteworthy that Huawei is a leading global provider of information technology solutions and communication, and that Huawei’s products and solutions are used in more than 140 countries, the company also provides the necessary support to meet the needs of one-third of the world’s population in the area of

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