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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Tillerson renews Abadi spoken to his rejection of the referendum Kurdistan and looking with the resu

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    Tillerson renews Abadi spoken to his rejection of the referendum Kurdistan and looking with the resu Empty Tillerson renews Abadi spoken to his rejection of the referendum Kurdistan and looking with the resu

    Post by Rocky Sat 24 Jun 2017, 8:21 am

    Tillerson renews Abadi spoken to his rejection of the referendum Kurdistan and looking with the results of his regional tour

    new US Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, during a telephone conversation with Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, his country 's position of rejecting the referendum of the Kurdistan region to secede, stressing the continued US support for Iraq.

    Ebadi said office, in a statement, "Tomorrow 's Press" received a copy of it, that " the Prime Minister, Haider al - Abadi received on Friday evening, a telephone call from US Secretary of State Tlison Rex".
    He congratulated Tillerson Abadi , the "successes achieved in the battle to liberate Mosul and political and diplomatic success regional openness to Iraq."
    It was " to review the results of the recent visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran and the State of Kuwait."
    Abadi said, according to the statement, to "Iraq 's clear vision to move the region away from the specter of conflicts and wars, and hard to confirm the orientation of cultural commonalities, historical, and the development of economic interests between the peoples of the region and their countries."
    The price of Tillerson "Iraqi attitudes balanced regional crises and problems, and the importance of Iraq 's role in the stability of the region and cooperation between their countries."
    Abadi also stressed " the need to direct all local and external efforts to focus on the elimination of terrorist Daesh gangs, and not to be dragged to the side battles."
    Tillerson agreed with this approach and stressed that " the United States will remain focused on fighting Daesh."
    The new US Secretary of State, " the position of the United States not to support the referendum scheduled to take place in Kurdistan, and the need to focus efforts to cooperate with the central government to meet the challenges of stability and reconstruction after the completion of the battles for liberation."

    Abadi stressed " the importance of benefiting from the successful experience of cooperation between the army and the Peshmerga in the liberation of Mosul battles , " pointing to " the need to unify positions and mobilize international support efforts to strengthen the financial situation, economic, and building state institutions."
    The presidency of the Kurdistan region of Iraq has recently announced its intention to organize a referendum on the independence of the Iraqi territory on 25 September next.
    And it issued the Information Office of the Prime Minister, last Thursday, a statement on the regional tour conducted by President Haydar al - Abadi during the past few days, noting that the tour was the result of a political approach charted the Iraqi government to establish a balanced foreign relations on the basis of mutual interests of Iraq with these countries.
    It is noteworthy that Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi held, last weekend, round, lasted for three days, including Saudi Arabia, Iran and Kuwait , most recently.

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