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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    State-owned enterprises of the sick man of the Iraqi economy

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    State-owned enterprises of the sick man of the Iraqi economy Empty State-owned enterprises of the sick man of the Iraqi economy

    Post by Rocky Sat 07 Sep 2013, 5:24 pm

    State-owned enterprises of the sick man of the Iraqi economy


    Bequeathed decades of the economy Alawamra and central bureaucratic planning sector in Iraq flabby state of his companies with low efficiency and lower than the productivity of their hands workforce.

    Although Iraq's transition to a market economy after the change in 2003, the state sector is still burdened with a costly legacy of state-owned companies, which have become a burden on the state treasury and do more harm than good. There are factories and institutions Full Off paid workers and staff salaries without producing a variety of reasons, including equipment provided, looting or destruction of, or need to re-workforce training and qualification or power outages or unavailability of raw materials or all these things combined. When I thought of the government in the sale of these companies to private investors did not find it buys a pile of scrap iron between the crumbling walls.

    This situation prompted the Iraqi planned to prepare a plan for the restructuring of state-owned companies in the hope pulled out of the recovery room and end its reliance on state handouts to support them. The government decided to hiring their specialty corporate restructuring failed. But the results of this process were modest. After what was scheduled for completion this year's corporate restructuring recognized the advisers in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers constantly restructuring process until the end of 2014, there are many challenges and obstacles to be completed this year.

    The authority said that the ongoing corporate restructuring process to a combination of factors have occurred in the economic situation, including the advancement of technology and modern management that deals with the requirements of economic and market factors. And the advisers pointed to the existence of surplus labor requires the solution.

    Radio Free Iraq met with President of the advisers in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers Thaer Ghadban who reviewed the case of state-owned companies of the 192, saying that the company mostly companies crippled rely on state aid in order to survive depleted public money.

    And beautiful Anger diseases governmental
    بتقادم-equipment companies and inflated the number of employees and failing to adapt to market economy and Adamnha of support State and Altaich on public money.

    The head of the advisers
    that the work being on the transfer of some state-owned enterprises into joint-stock companies, but there are other companies have lost all the necessities of life and ستصفى this while ensuring the rights of workers who confirmed angered that they will not join the army of the unemployed, but prepared for them a social program restores rehabilitated and trained or given adult whom pensions guarantee them a decent life.

    Member of the economy and investment parliamentary Mahma Khalil called not alienate the competencies and skills that are available in state-owned companies, noting cement company which was operating at a loss before they turn into a successful and profitable company after a dose of state support.

    MP Khalil stressed the need to support state-owned companies to be able to promote and rely on their capabilities and supplement the state treasury instead of draining pointing to the existence of dozens of laws inherited from the previous regime, which serves the centralized economy.

    Professor of economics at the University of Mustansiriya Abdul Rahman al-Mashhadani expressed doubts about the success of the plans to the advancement of the state-owned companies, saying the official policy since 2003, is the liquidation of the public sector and sell the cheapest prices unlikely to continue these institutions operate productive after sold to the private sector who sees more useful investment in its territory because of its strategic location within the cities.

    The chief adviser Thamer Ghadhban to 50 billion dinars earmarked this year for plans, studies and hiring foreign experts to reform state-owned companies.

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