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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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2 posters

    State-owned enterprises constitute the greatest burden on the budget

    Admin Assist
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    State-owned enterprises constitute the greatest burden on the budget Empty State-owned enterprises constitute the greatest burden on the budget

    Post by Rocky Mon 16 Dec 2013, 6:16 am

    State-owned enterprises constitute the greatest burden on the budget


    Baghdad / follow the Orient: - criticized the economic expert, the work of state-owned companies (public sector) viewing it, mobilized a significant financial burden on the state budget without positive results. He said economic expert and former adviser at the Central Bank Majid picture told the National Iraqi News / Nina /, that "state-owned companies," the public sector "constitute a great burden on the state budget finances without any positive results, promote the country's economy, stressing that the" state-owned companies so far have not been restructuring, but some of the few companies. "and pointed out that" the reluctance of the public sector has led to impede the development process in Iraq, because they constitute a very large part of the industrial base in Iraq, if it is, a great obstacle to the budget should be restructured in order to be a contributing factor to supplement the budget public financial resources. "expert suggested the economic restructuring of the public sector through the creation of the Bank of developmental care restructuring factories and at the same time interested in re-industrial and service sectors in Iraq, pointing out that" the existence of three specialized banks / industrial, agricultural, real estate / Lo become banks development to increase its capital, which is equivalent to the money that was spent on government banks to give salaries and approximately 15 000 trillion dinars to the possibility of this development bank public and private sectors.

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    DieHard Investor
    DieHard Investor

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    State-owned enterprises constitute the greatest burden on the budget Empty Re: State-owned enterprises constitute the greatest burden on the budget

    Post by wayoutnow Mon 16 Dec 2013, 7:37 am

    Everybody needs to get on the same page. !!!!  Organization and taxes and government protection !!!

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