BAGHDAD / The parliamentary economic committee confirmed on Sunday its refusal to cancel the social insurance law in full on arrival at the House of Representatives. Committee member Amer al-Fayez said in a press statement today: "The most prominent disadvantages that it cancels several laws, including the unified pension law and the law of university service and the law of military service and regulate the General Retirement Authority issued instructions is an illegal issue and there is no decision to cancel important laws and replaced by instructions and Unless a law is enacted in its place. " He stressed that "the instructions issued at any moment and can be changed at any moment, so the House of Representatives does not agree to this law unless there is a clear law and not just paragraphs." The cabinet has recently approved the draft social insurance law, while Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said the inclusion of the largest segment of citizens, including workers in the private sector and the families of martyrs of retirement rights.