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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The central bank decides to stop selling the dollar and foreign currencies for 4 Kurdish banks

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    The central bank decides to stop selling the dollar and foreign currencies for 4 Kurdish banks Empty The central bank decides to stop selling the dollar and foreign currencies for 4 Kurdish banks

    Post by Rocky Tue 03 Oct 2017, 2:49 pm

    The central bank decides to stop selling the dollar and foreign currencies for 4 Kurdish banks

    Since 03/10/2017 18:49 am (Baghdad time)

    Follow-up to the balance of News

    Banking and Iraqi government sources said that the Central Bank of Iraq will depend on the transfer of dollars and foreign currencies into four large Kurdish banks.

    The Central Bank of Iraq's Kurdistan region told the banking and financial actions taken in response to the independence referendum. And that the Central Bank of Iraq will stop selling dollars and foreign currency to four large banks in the Kurdistan region, and also will stop all transfers in foreign currency to the autonomous SPA region.

    It is expected that the decision affects the economic and market movement in the territory Krdstan.anthy 29 / m h n

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    The central bank decides to stop selling the dollar and foreign currencies for 4 Kurdish banks Empty Re: The central bank decides to stop selling the dollar and foreign currencies for 4 Kurdish banks

    Post by weslin3 Tue 03 Oct 2017, 7:31 pm

    I haven't a clue what this will do with our RV. Anyone?
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    The central bank decides to stop selling the dollar and foreign currencies for 4 Kurdish banks Empty Re: The central bank decides to stop selling the dollar and foreign currencies for 4 Kurdish banks

    Post by fonz1951 Tue 03 Oct 2017, 8:06 pm

    weslin3 wrote:I haven't a clue what this will do with our RV. Anyone?

    guess that makes 2 of us wes
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    The central bank decides to stop selling the dollar and foreign currencies for 4 Kurdish banks Empty Re: The central bank decides to stop selling the dollar and foreign currencies for 4 Kurdish banks

    Post by weslin3 Tue 03 Oct 2017, 10:47 pm

    Thanks fonz. A least I'm not by myself...
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    The central bank decides to stop selling the dollar and foreign currencies for 4 Kurdish banks Empty Re: The central bank decides to stop selling the dollar and foreign currencies for 4 Kurdish banks

    Post by Screwball Wed 04 Oct 2017, 1:58 am

    weslin3 wrote:Thanks fonz. A least I'm not by myself...
    Could possibly play a role....but what would I know
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    The central bank decides to stop selling the dollar and foreign currencies for 4 Kurdish banks Empty Re: The central bank decides to stop selling the dollar and foreign currencies for 4 Kurdish banks

    Post by weslin3 Wed 04 Oct 2017, 7:52 am

    Might as well join us Screwball. Be in the dark. laugh
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    The central bank decides to stop selling the dollar and foreign currencies for 4 Kurdish banks Empty Re: The central bank decides to stop selling the dollar and foreign currencies for 4 Kurdish banks

    Post by Diamond Wed 04 Oct 2017, 8:26 am

    Squeeze play by baqdad, over the vote

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    The central bank decides to stop selling the dollar and foreign currencies for 4 Kurdish banks Empty Re: The central bank decides to stop selling the dollar and foreign currencies for 4 Kurdish banks

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