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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Central Bank decides to exclude banks with less capital of about 250 billion dinars for auction

    Admin Assist
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    Central Bank decides to exclude banks with less capital of about 250 billion dinars for auction Empty Central Bank decides to exclude banks with less capital of about 250 billion dinars for auction

    Post by Rocky Sun 24 Nov 2013, 7:34 am

    Central Bank decides to exclude banks with less capital of about 250 billion dinars for auction


    Central Bank Governor


        ArrowSelected.png Alsumaria News / Baghdad
     decided to Central Bank of Iraq, Sunday, exclusion of private banks by at least a capital of about 250 billion dinars from participating in its daily auction, as pointed out that some of the decisions of exclusion "pots and are not permanent." said Central Bank Governor Abdul-Basit Turki said in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "The Bank has ruled out a number of Iraqi banks and less capital from 250 billion dinars from the currency auction conducted by the day," noting that "the number of these banks, which have been excluded at present does not exceed the five banks." said Turki that "some banks proceeded to invite the public to raise capital, "asserting that" some banks have been excluded as I am not the decision permanent. " and established the Iraqi Central Bank as a bank independent under the law issued on the sixth of March 2004, as an independent body, which is responsible for maintaining price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies are being daily sessions for buying and selling currencies.

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    Cain't Let Go Investor
    Cain't Let Go Investor

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    Central Bank decides to exclude banks with less capital of about 250 billion dinars for auction Empty Re: Central Bank decides to exclude banks with less capital of about 250 billion dinars for auction

    Post by kelnchp Sun 24 Nov 2013, 9:43 am

    [ltr]Alsumaria News / Baghdad 
    Decided to CBI, Sunday, private banks, which exclude capital of at least about 250 billion dinars from participating in its daily auction, as pointed out that some of the decisions of exclusion "real-time, not permanent." 

    The central bank governor said Abdel Basset Turki said in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "The Bank has ruled out a number of Iraqi banks and less capital from 250 billion dinars from the currency auction conducted by the day," noting that "the number of these banks, which have been excluded at present does not exceed The five banks. " 

    Turki added that "some banks began to invite the public to raise capital," asserting that "some banks have been excluded and I are not a permanent decision." 

    The Central Bank of Iraq was established as a bank independent under the law issued on the sixth of March 2004, as an independent body, which is responsible for maintaining price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies are being daily sessions for buying and selling currencies. 

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