WASHINGTON (Reuters) - US businessmen serving the interests of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have incited US President Donald Trump to take an anti- Qatar approach , the Associated Press reported .

The US agency said the two businessmen, who tried to pass the interests of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, are American citizens, Elliott Brody and George Nader (of Lebanese origin).

The Associated Press reported in a press report on Monday that its journalists had access to emails from Prodi and Nader and questioned dozens of people involved in the case. The White House and lawmakers in the US Congress to push the US authorities to issue laws against Qatar.

The report pointed out that Prodi and Nadir were acting in the interests of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. However, they did not register with the authorities as agents of foreign countries, as required by American law in such cases. This violation may lead to the prosecution of the two persons and the issuance of sentences for both of them for 5 years .

The Associated Press reported that authorities in Saudi Arabia and the UAE have expressed their willingness to award contracts to Prodi and Nadir totaling hundreds of millions of dollars for their fees in defense of the interests of Riyadh and Abu Dhabi. 

The agency explained that these deals included the possibility of training military groups with the participation of the United States was planned to engage in combat activities in the interest of Saudi Arabia and the UAE on the territory of Yemen.

The New York Times reported earlier, citing informed sources, that Prodi and Nader urged US President Donald Trump, who had contacts with him, to dismiss former US Secretary of State, Rex Tilerson, from office, and to pursue foreign policies In the interest of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.