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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The text of the third amendment law of the electoral law, which was voted by the parliament today

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277595
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The text of the third amendment law of the electoral law, which was voted by the parliament today Empty The text of the third amendment law of the electoral law, which was voted by the parliament today

    Post by Rocky Thu 07 Jun 2018, 2:37 am

    The text of the third amendment law of the electoral law, which was voted by the parliament today
    June 06 2018 09:04 PM
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    Baghdad Post

    The House voted on Wednesday on the Third Amendment Law to the House of Representatives Election Law. 

    And the text of the Third Amendment Law to the Election Law.

    In the name of the people, the 
    Presidency of the Republic 
    on the basis of what was approved by the House of Representatives and ratified by the President of the Republic and based on the provisions of item (I) of Article (61) and Article (III) of Article (73) of the Constitution.

    Issuing the following law:

    No. (2018)

    Law of the Third Amendment to the Law of Elections of the Council of Representatives No. (45) for the year 2013

    Article 1

    Article (38) of the amended Nubian Elections Law No. (45) of 2013 is amended and read as follows: 
    The IHEC is committed to re-counting and manual counting of all electoral centers throughout Iraq and in the presence of agents of political entities. Manual sorting includes counting all stations until the stations are canceled. 
    Article (2) The 
    Commission shall carry out the matching of the ballot papers with the report issued by the electronic verification apparatus for the bar code and take the necessary decisions. 

    Article 3
    With the exception of the votes of minorities covered by the quota system, the results of the outside of all provinces and the conditional voting elections in the IDP camps and the population movement of Anbar, Salaheddin, Nineveh, Diyala and inmates' voices in prisons and special voting elections in the Kurdistan Region will be canceled. In the event of irregularities that require the cancellation of some of the results of some of the electoral centers of the judicial body supervised and provided for in Article 8 Item 3 Law of the Independent High Electoral Commission No. 11 of 2007 amending the validity of the cancellation of these results. 

    Article 4
    The Supreme Judicial Council appoints nine judges to administer the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) Council, which is the authority of the Board of Commissioners instead of the current Board of Commissioners and a judge for each of the provincial High Commissioner's offices instead of the current Directors. The current commissioners and the directors of the provincial offices to work until the completion of the investigation of the crimes of forgery referred to by the decision of the Council of Ministers. 

    Article (5) The 
    provisions of this law shall apply to the elections of the Iraqi Council of Representatives for the year 2018. 

    Article (6) 
    Any text contradicting the provisions of this law shall not be applied. 

    Article (7) 
     This Law shall come into effect from the date of voting thereon. 
    Positive reasons
    In order to achieve transparency in the election results and to preserve the democratic system in Iraq and to protect the electoral process in a way that ensures confidence in the integrity of the elections and proved the lack of validity of the mechanism to accelerate the electronic results and cause the lack of real results and the process of manual counting and sorting started this law. 

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