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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Islamic Dawa Party nominates Tarek Najm for prime minister instead of Haider Abadi

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277595
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Islamic Dawa Party nominates Tarek Najm for prime minister instead of Haider Abadi Empty Islamic Dawa Party nominates Tarek Najm for prime minister instead of Haider Abadi

    Post by Rocky Thu 21 Jun 2018, 6:54 am

    Islamic Dawa Party nominates Tarek Najm for prime minister instead of Haider Abadi
    June 21 2018 02:27 PM
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    Baghdad Post

    Senior political sources confirmed on Thursday that the Islamic Dawa Party is nominating senior party leader Tariq Najm to prime minister instead of current prime minister Haider al-Abadi.
    The sources said in a press statement, "The Dawa Party put all political blocs on the name of Tarek Najm 
    as a candidate for prime minister, replacing Abadi within the idea of ​​(middle option) and (friend of all parties)," indicating that "Najm" has a good relationship with America, Iran, And other neighboring countries that can

    Intervention in Iraqi political affairs.
    The sources confirmed that the Shiite political parties opposed to the slaves offered to the supreme authority Ali al-Sistani, the name of Tarek Najm substitute for Abbadi, but the reference did not resolve the matter and prefer not to interfere with the selection of any political figure for this position, and also to be compatible with all political blocs On the post of prime minister of Iraq. "

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