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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    After being considered "announcer" Kuwait part of Iraq .. "The BBC" apologizes

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    After being considered "announcer" Kuwait part of Iraq .. "The BBC" apologizes Empty After being considered "announcer" Kuwait part of Iraq .. "The BBC" apologizes

    Post by Rocky Fri 03 Aug 2018, 2:00 am

    After being considered "announcer" Kuwait part of Iraq .. "The BBC" apologizes

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    The British Broadcasting Corporation ( BBC) , an official apology to Kuwait on the "fallacies" published on the sovereignty, after a Kuwaiti protest as one of the announcers Kuwait part of Iraq . 

    The BBC said in a statement on its website, which was read by Al-Sumerian News, said that the Iraqi ambassador to Kuwait was asked to replace Iraq's invasion of Kuwait with Saddam's invasion of Kuwait. "The program is a question for its Kuwaiti guest about Iraq considering that Kuwait was part of Iraq before 1920, instead of saying that only some Iraqis are saying that, which sparked widespread controversy and sharp reactions."
    "It is important for the BBC to emphasize that its editorial policy requires that all viewpoints be conveyed and acted upon by the viewer, and that it can not be a party or adopt a point of view at another expense, especially in controversial matters. Put it in a wrong formula and unclear or appropriate to the standards of neutrality followed by the BBC, and required an apology. 

    "The BBC also wants to emphasize that it is dealing with these issues of its editorial policy based on balance, objectivity and neutrality very seriously and is doing everything necessary to ensure that these standards are followed in all its platforms." 

    The Kuwaiti Ministry of Information announced its total rejection of what it called "historical inaccuracies and false and false allegations" broadcast by the BBC on the sovereignty of the country.

    In a press statement, the Kuwaiti Ministry of Information expressed its deep regret and condemnation of what was stated by the introduction of the "Trending" program Rania Attar on the country's historical sovereignty, stressing that it went away from all the rules of professional and falsified the facts and distort history.

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