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    Pensions for the procedure and contractors in the state departments

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Pensions for the procedure and contractors in the state departments Empty Pensions for the procedure and contractors in the state departments

    Post by Rocky Tue 07 Jan 2014, 5:58 am

    Pensions for the procedure and contractors in the state departments

    01/07/2014 09:22

    Proposed by the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives to grant pensions to workers daily wage and contracts in government departments. Committee member Najiba Najib said in a statement summarized by the «morning»: The «Committee and during the previous period discussed some paragraphs of the pension law, who arrived in the House of Representatives of the government». She added that «the Commission considered the inclusion of wage earners and daily contracts in government departments, the arrests pensions in order to be at the end of their service to give them a pension similar to their counterparts employees on the permanent staffing», indicating that «the Commission has kept the age of 63 years old to be a lifetime pension to employees after it proved the government age pension 60 years ». indicated Najib said the objective of the Commission in the pension law to make it a way that serves the retirees better. , in turn, said committee member Ahmed Hassan Faizullah: The «discussions and research and study taking place at the moment on the pension law by members of the committee». added Faizullah said in an interview »Sabah» that «the most prominent being the focus in this law many points such as age and the amount of salary and years of service», noting that there were many meetings to bring this law in the picture that can be worthy of retirees. was the Parliamentary Finance Committee have been reported in time previously reported that the anticipated increase in pensions will cost the state nearly a trillion and a half trillion dinars, saying that the finance minister has expressed his willingness to provide and arrange this amount in the budget if the law was passed, as he said, committee member Abdul Hussein al-Yasiri: The «Unified Retirement Law in a lot of aspects of the multi- serving, retired and allowances cost of living and marital and children », explaining that this law will unite among retirees, as there are a lot of laws on retirement and each one of them different from the other, but he also said: The« Committee will discuss the economists and accountants to figure out the extent of the increase, which will be in the salaries of this slide, and their impact on market prices, stressing near submitted to the House of Representatives.was a member of the Committee, Dr. Magda Abdel-Latif al-Tamimi had suggested in an earlier statement »Sabah», the need to re-work allocation of the cost of living that were in place in the previous proposal legal unification of the salaries of state employees and retirees, as they have a big impact in the absorption of the inflation factor of the Iraqi market.

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