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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Deputy: We will host Abdul Mahdi in parliament to know his position on this file

    Admin Assist
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    Deputy: We will host Abdul Mahdi in parliament to know his position on this file Empty Deputy: We will host Abdul Mahdi in parliament to know his position on this file

    Post by Rocky Thu 21 Feb 2019, 2:30 am

    Deputy: We will host Abdul Mahdi in parliament to know his position on this file
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    Baghdad / ... The MP for the construction coalition, Mansour al-Baiji, Thursday, that will be hosted by Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi in parliament to know the position of the government of the presence of Americans in Iraq.
    "Our coalition and the political blocs that reject the US presence on Iraqi soil will host the prime minister within the parliament at the beginning of the next legislative term to clarify the official position of the government on the American presence and the government's position on this presence," Bayji said in a statement received by Iraq News.
    He explained that "must take into account the decision of the political blocs rejecting the US presence on our territory and working to implement this refusal on the ground by informing the American side to get out of our land as soon as possible without any restriction or condition and abide by the security agreement, Their side when the gangs attacked the provinces and did not provide any support for Iraq and everyone knows this matter. "
    He stressed that "the government, represented by Abdul Mahdi, to determine its position within the parliament of this American presence, whether it asked for this presence or not, especially after the statement of the US embassy, ​​which announced that the presence of their forces at the request of the Iraqi government and their exit depends on the request of the Iraqi government.
    He pointed out that "the devastation caused by the Americans when they enter Iraq at the fall of the former regime is over and will not allow the return of the second and the Iraqi government to clarify its official position of this presence and US bases and if it is unable to exit the US forces then we will have a position and word inside the parliament against this The presence to take all measures to remove US and foreign forces from our territories and whatever the title of its presence will not allow it. "

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