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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Many Topics Including The Oldest Dinar Community. Copyright © 2006-2020

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    Birth Pains of the New Financial System


    Posts : 10948
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    Birth Pains of the New Financial System Empty Birth Pains of the New Financial System

    Post by Neno Thu 06 Mar 2014, 5:49 pm

    Birth Pains of the New Financial System

    March 5, 2014 

    By JC Collins

    Birth Pains of the New Financial System Ukraine-treasury

    UPDATE to SDR’s and the New Bretton Woods – Part Eight
    Things are moving so fast right now that its challenging to stay on top of events.  In the last 24 hours the following has happened:

    1.  US threatens economic sanctions against Russia.  (more than 24 hours)

    2. Russia threatens to dump US treasuries.

    3. Russia threatens to by-pass the dollar as reserve currency.

    4. Russia threatens to not make payments to western banks.

    5. Ukraine says it can not pay Russia for natural gas deliveries.

    6. Russia says it will stop deliveries of natural gas to Ukraine.

    7. US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew states that the IMF 2010 Code of Reforms must be part of any aid package to the Ukraine.

    8. Top Republican Bob Corker says the Reforms are on the table for the aid package.

    9. White House slips the IMF Reforms into the 2015 budget.

    10. Russia threatens to confiscate all US and European assets in Russian territory.

    11. Protestors waving the Russian flag storm Treasury building in Donetsk, which is located in eastern Ukraine.

    12. Russia continues with pre-scheduled ICBM test launch.

    13. European Union offers Ukraine $15 billion dollar aid package.

    14. Russia offering Ukraine $15 billion dollar aid package.

    15. IMF expecting tough austerity measures on Ukraine as a part of any SDR denominated bail out.

    16. Russian tanks are in the eastern Ukrainian town of Enerhodar. the location of a hydro dam and nuclear power plants.

    With the US Congress and Republicans all of sudden interested in making the IMF 2010 Reforms a part of any aid package, one can only wonder if they are sending a message to Russia.  Could this message be saying, “give us Ukraine and we will pass the IMF Reforms to equal the playing field for the emerging markets”?

    And lets not forget that these reforms will transition the worlds primary reserve currency from the dollar to the SDR.

    Based on the level of Russian threats it can be assumed that they are not interested in handing over the Ukraine at all.

    Perhaps the country will be split down in the middle, with eastern Ukraine going to Russia and western Ukraine going to Europe.  Its the hinge between economic zones as we have previously stated.

    Eastern Ukraine has the majority of the resources and industry.   Perhaps the Russians will have to give up the natural defensive wall offered by the Carpathian mountains for the heavy industry.

    Or perhaps Russia will give up nothing in the Ukraine and wait for the western economies to fold or economically fall.  This is the least desired outcome as it will affect the whole world.

    Survival measures have been taken by the emerging economies by way of currency swap arrangements with China using the renminbi.
    Watch the problem/reaction/solution play out on the world scene.

    What can’t be denied is that the IMF 2010 Code of Reforms and SDR allocation system is at the middle of it all.  The shift from US dollar reserves to SDR reserves is inevitable.  JC Collins
    Cain't Let Go Investor
    Cain't Let Go Investor

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    Birth Pains of the New Financial System Empty Re: Birth Pains of the New Financial System

    Post by Stevethebrit Thu 06 Mar 2014, 6:05 pm


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    Location : Mt. Pleasant, TX

    Birth Pains of the New Financial System Empty Re: Birth Pains of the New Financial System

    Post by csd9013 Thu 06 Mar 2014, 6:17 pm

    Everyone needs to be worried about what Russia is doing and what they are capable of doing.

    Posts : 10948
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    Age : 61
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    Birth Pains of the New Financial System Empty Re: Birth Pains of the New Financial System

    Post by Neno Thu 06 Mar 2014, 8:26 pm

    csd9013 wrote:Everyone needs to be worried about what Russia is doing and what they are capable of doing.
    I agree but then do not cause it is a staged situation. Even tho it claims lives and lively hood, we as human race are nothing but a number to these. This is why "Peace and Security" will surface.. SOON!

    The reason why I am following this JC Collins so closely is for a couple reasons. First he puts it all in a perspective that has yet to prove wrong even tho he states it is a theory. You have to take information for what it is until it isn't.

    Secondly I am trying to understand what I can do to invest off it. He speaks so much of these emerging markets (Countries) held back do to the system now and the change to the SDR New System, will allow them a real value so, again I am trying to figure where to invest mainly in other currency swaps. I just hope I can figure it out before I miss the boat.

    This is why I created this forum with a new thread start of all JC Collins essays. I was hoping to get the dinar holders outside the box for debate and discussion. lol, good luck with that right. Good Night, it is late and as always, 3:45 am comes awful early.... ;)

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