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    Rafidain: An advance of 25 million dinars to cover 50 percent of the monthly salary

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    Rafidain: An advance of 25 million dinars to cover 50 percent of the monthly salary Empty Rafidain: An advance of 25 million dinars to cover 50 percent of the monthly salary

    Post by Rocky Mon 30 Sep 2019, 1:33 am

    [size=36]Rafidain: An advance of 25 million dinars to cover 50 percent of the monthly salary[/size]

    Economy | 08:41 - 30/09/2019

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    BAGHDAD - The balance of News
    announced Rafidain Bank, on Monday, that an advance of 25 million dinars will be covered 50 percent of the monthly salary of the employee.
    The bank said in a statement received (Mawazine News), a copy of it, that "a bank stipulated that 50 percent of the salary of the monthly employee monthly installment of the advance amounting to 25 million dinars."
    He added, "The employee is entitled to receive a second advance after he had a previous advance and at the discretion of his remaining salary from deducting the first advance." He pointed out that "advances are granted to state employees who have settled their salaries exclusively with the bank and holders of the MasterCard card from the bank," calling on state employees to "visit the bank branches exclusively in Baghdad and the provinces and apply for the advance."

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    Rafidain: An advance of 25 million dinars to cover 50 percent of the monthly salary Empty Rafidain: An advance of 25 million dinars to be covered by 50 percent of the monthly salary of the e

    Post by Rocky Mon 30 Sep 2019, 1:42 am


    Rafidain: An advance of 25 million dinars to be covered by 50 percent of the monthly salary of the employee

    [rtl]Release date:: 2019/30/30 8:43 • [rtl]135 [/rtl][rtl]read [/rtl]times[/rtl]
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    Rafidain Bank announced on Monday that the advance of 25 million dinars to be covered by 50 percent of the monthly salary of the employee.
    The bank said in a statement received (Euphrates News) a copy, that "a bank stipulated that 50 percent of the salary of the monthly employee monthly installment of the advance amounting to 25 million dinars."
    He added, "The employee is entitled to receive a second advance after he had a previous advance and at the discretion of his remaining salary from deducting the first advance."
    He pointed out that "advances are granted to state employees who have been settled salaries exclusively with the bank and holders of the MasterCard card from the bank," calling on state employees to "visit the bank branches exclusively deployed in Baghdad and the provinces and apply for the advance."

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    Rafidain: An advance of 25 million dinars to cover 50 percent of the monthly salary Empty Rafidain: An advance of 25 million dinars to cover 50 percent of the monthly salary

    Post by Rocky Mon 30 Sep 2019, 1:54 am

     Rafidain: An advance of 25 million dinars to cover 50 percent of the monthly salary

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    Economy News _ Baghdad
    Rafidain Bank announced on Monday that the advance of 25 million dinars will be covered by 50 percent of the monthly salary of the employee.
    "A bank stipulated that 50 percent of the employee's monthly salary should be the monthly installment of the 25 million dinars advance," the bank said in a statement.
    He added, "The employee is entitled to receive a second advance after he had a previous advance and at the discretion of his remaining salary from deducting the first advance." He pointed out that "advances are granted to state employees who have settled their salaries exclusively with the bank and holders of the MasterCard card from the bank," calling on state employees to "visit the bank branches exclusively scattered in Baghdad and the provinces and apply for the advance."

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    Rafidain: An advance of 25 million dinars to cover 50 percent of the monthly salary Empty Mesopotamia requires 50% of the employee's monthly salary to pay a premium of 25 million

    Post by Rocky Mon 30 Sep 2019, 1:58 am

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    Mesopotamia requires 50% of the employee's monthly salary to pay a premium of 25 million

    2019/09/30 00:17:46

    A bank on Monday stipulated that 50 percent of the employee's monthly salary should be the monthly installment of the 25 million dinars advance.
    The bank's media office said in a statement received to Shafaq News, today that the employee is entitled to receive a second advance after he had a previous advance and at the discretion of his remaining salary from deducting the first advance.
    The statement pointed out that the advances are granted to state employees who have been settled salaries exclusively with the bank and MasterCard holders of the bank, calling on state employees to visit the bank branches exclusively scattered in Baghdad and the provinces and apply for the advance.

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    Rafidain: An advance of 25 million dinars to cover 50 percent of the monthly salary Empty Rafidain: An advance of 25 million dinars to cover 50 percent of the monthly salary

    Post by Rocky Mon 30 Sep 2019, 2:04 am

    [size=17]Rafidain: An advance of 25 million dinars to cover 50 percent of the monthly salary

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    [size=14]Rafidain Bank issued a new statement on the advance of 25 million dinars.

    The bank's media office said in a statement that "the bank stipulated that 50 percent of the employee's monthly salary is the monthly installment of the advance amounting to 25 million dinars."
     He added that "the right of the employee to receive a second advance after he had a previous advance and at the discretion of his salary remaining from deducting the first advance."
    He pointed out that "advances are granted to state employees who have been settled their salaries exclusively with the bank and holders of the MasterCard card from the bank."
    The office called on state employees to "visit the bank's branches exclusively in [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and the provinces and apply for the advance."

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    Rafidain: An advance of 25 million dinars to cover 50 percent of the monthly salary Empty New statement from Rafidain regarding the advance of 25 million dinars

    Post by Rocky Mon 30 Sep 2019, 2:16 am

    New statement from Rafidain regarding the advance of 25 million dinars
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    2019-09-30 | 01:36
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    Rafidain Bank issued a new statement on the advance of 25 million dinars.

    "The bank stipulated that 50 percent of the employee's monthly salary is the monthly installment of the 25 million dinars advance," the bank's media office said in a statement received by Alsumaria News.
    He added that "the employee has the right to receive a second advance after he had a previous advance and at the discretion of his salary remaining from the deduction of the first advance," pointing out that "advances are granted to state employees who have settled their salaries exclusively with the bank and holders of MasterCard card from the bank." .

    The office called on state employees to "visit the bank's branches exclusively in [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and the provinces and apply for the advance."
    Rafidain Bank began in 2016 to grant advances and loans to employees and citizens according to certain mechanisms and controls.

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    Rafidain: An advance of 25 million dinars to cover 50 percent of the monthly salary Empty Rafidain clarifies the conditions for obtaining a second advance of 25 million dinars

    Post by Rocky Mon 30 Sep 2019, 2:45 am

    [rtl]Rafidain clarifies the conditions for obtaining a second advance of 25 million dinars[/rtl]

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    [rtl]Baghdad / Al-Ghad Press:[/rtl]

    [rtl]Rafidain Bank confirmed on Monday that the advance of 25 million dinars is granted to the employee whose salary is twice the monthly installment to pay the advance.[/rtl]


    [rtl]The bank's media office said in a statement received by Al-Ghad Press that it "requires the employee who wants to get an advance of 25 million dinars, to be 50% of his salary covers the monthly installment to pay the advance."[/rtl]

    [rtl]"The employee is entitled to receive a second advance in addition to the first advance, but at the discretion of the rest of his salary after deducting the first advance installments."[/rtl]

    [rtl]He pointed out that "advances are granted to state employees who have settled their salaries exclusively with the bank and holders of the MasterCard card of the bank," calling on state employees to visit the bank branches exclusively in Baghdad and the provinces and apply for the advanc[/rtl]

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    Rafidain: An advance of 25 million dinars to cover 50 percent of the monthly salary Empty Re: Rafidain: An advance of 25 million dinars to cover 50 percent of the monthly salary

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