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    Iran frees the British ambassador after being detained while participating in student protests

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    Iran frees the British ambassador after being detained while participating in student protests Empty Iran frees the British ambassador after being detained while participating in student protests

    Post by Rocky Sun 12 Jan 2020, 1:54 am

    Iran frees the British ambassador after being detained while participating in student protests

    Iran frees the British ambassador after being detained while participating in student protests 120201210844753007437

    The British Foreign Office confirmed that the Iranian authorities had detained the British ambassador to Tehran, Rob Macer, for a short period, and then released him, and condemned the move as a flagrant violation of international law.
    Earlier, Tasnim News Agency reported that Machir was arrested for several hours in front of Amir Kabir University for inciting anti-government protesters.
    "The arrest of our ambassador in Tehran is without foundation or explanation for a flagrant violation of international law," British Foreign Secretary Dominic Rapp said in a statement.
    He added: The Iranian government, at a defining moment, can continue to put the outcast with all the political and economic isolation that entails, or take steps to stop the escalation of tension and pursue a diplomatic path in the future.

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    Iran frees the British ambassador after being detained while participating in student protests Empty Tehran: The arrest of the British ambassador and the latter are commenting and demanding an apology.

    Post by Rocky Sun 12 Jan 2020, 2:35 am

    Tehran: The arrest of the British ambassador and the latter are commenting and demanding an apology.
    Views: 162
    Iran frees the British ambassador after being detained while participating in student protests 82430722_462618121315509_1954084831189008384_n-13

    Press reports confirmed that the Iranian authorities detained the British ambassador in Tehran for several hours, "for organizing suspicious movements at Amir Kabir University," noting that he would be released later.
    "A group of people was detained for hours in front of Prince Kabir University, and that Robert Macair, the British ambassador to Tehran, was in the midst of the mass gathering inciting protesters against the government," the Iranian "Tasnim" agency reported.
    She indicated that he was released after hours, noting that he will be summoned on Sunday.
    The British Foreign Secretary said, "The arrest of our ambassador in Tehran without basis or explanation for a flagrant violation of international law."
    This comes, in the first official response from Britain to the arrest of the Iranian authorities by the British ambassador to Tehran, Rob Macair, while he was near Prince Kabir University of Technology, during a protest organized by Iranians at the place.
    "Raja News," a website close to the Iranian militants camp, stated that "the security forces arrested the British ambassador to Tehran, Rob MacAir, while he was near the rioters (the protesters)."
    The United States on Saturday called on Iran to apologize for the detention of the British ambassador to Tehran, after reports of his arrest during a demonstration against the regime.
    US State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortigas wrote on Twitter that this arrest “violates the Vienna Convention, which the regime has a history of in breaching”.
    "We call on the regime to formally apologize to the United Kingdom for violating its rights (the ambassador), and to respect the rights of all diplomats," she added.
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    Posts : 277821
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    Iran frees the British ambassador after being detained while participating in student protests Empty The British ambassador to Tehran is temporarily arrested for attending an illegal gathering

    Post by Rocky Sun 12 Jan 2020, 2:37 am

    Iran frees the British ambassador after being detained while participating in student protests 1202011215138552

    [size=30]The British ambassador to Tehran is temporarily arrested for attending an illegal gathering[/size]

    [rtl]15 views[/rtl]

    Follow-up - Press direction

    The Iranian internal security forces arrested the British ambassador in Tehran temporarily, yesterday evening Saturday, after he attended an illegal gathering in front of "Amir Kabir" university disguised as a foreign person.

    A well-informed source said, "The British ambassador, Robert Maker, was among the individuals who participated in this illegal gathering, on Saturday afternoon, and who were arrested by the Internal Security Forces."

    As some witnesses stated, “The British ambassador was taking pictures of this illegal gathering and talking to the protesters.”

     Sources indicated that "after his detention, the British ambassador defined his Persian position in the diplomatic language, justifying his presence in this gathering in which anti-state slogans were issued, by expressing sympathy to the victims of the stricken Ukrainian plane."

    She added, "The British ambassador in Tehran was released after getting acquainted with it, and in coordination and follow-up by the Iranian Foreign Ministry."  


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    Iran frees the British ambassador after being detained while participating in student protests Empty Re: Iran frees the British ambassador after being detained while participating in student protests

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