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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    America records the first infection with the Chinese corona virus

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    America records the first infection with the Chinese corona virus Empty America records the first infection with the Chinese corona virus

    Post by Rocky Wed 22 Jan 2020, 2:53 am

    [size=30]America records the first infection with the Chinese corona virus[/size]

    [rtl]12 views[/rtl]

    Follow-up-direction Press

    A spokesman for the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention affirmed on Wednesday that a person coming from China has been diagnosed with the outbreak of Corona virus in Wuhan, China.

    According to Reuters, Benjamin Haynes, a spokesman for the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said that "more details will be revealed later."

    The newly identified Corona virus appeared in Wuhan and spread to Beijing and Shanghai.

    "More than 300 people have contracted the disease and six have died," Chinese health officials said.

    And the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began last week to screen travelers from China at three US airports. In addition to the United States, cases outside China arose in South Korea, Thailand and Japan.


      Current date/time is Tue 14 Jan 2025, 5:12 am