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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Al-Maliki last night. Its consultants, preparing for his departure and library began gathering up!

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Al-Maliki last night. Its consultants, preparing for his departure and library began gathering up! Empty Al-Maliki last night. Its consultants, preparing for his departure and library began gathering up!

    Post by Rocky Fri 18 Jul 2014, 5:51 pm

    Al-Maliki last night. Its consultants, preparing for his departure and library began gathering up!


    The Driver is waring a bullet proof vest I wonder why LOL
    Written on: Serail may think outgoing Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki that is subject to domestic and foreign pressure, to decide to relinquish his overwhelming third mandate. But it is impossible to do so, only because it confused the delivery of 8 years of work and transactions and adjustments, arrange loyalties. "
    Would not wish to leave the authority, for the delivery of his Cabinet needs a political deal, comparable to a search for an alternative candidate.
    Who is the alternative? Maliki will know how it comes out
    Only nominations for replacement leaking owners, between Tariq star, Ibrahim Al-Jaafari. For Maliki, he does not trust them, even with its ideological orientation, wemsharktmha him in some political mechanisms with liabilities, with the difference.
    Therefore, the transfer of power will be different between star and Al-Jaafari.
    There are hundreds of staff who linked their futures with Al-Maliki, was boarding the presidential offices based on "absolute" allegiance to him. They would prefer to get out of work, or apply for retirement and leave early so long. Or they would withdraw from the limelight to high offices in the ministries "State of law" in the new cab.
    Al-Maliki: I want to ensure that exposure to a number of employees who have been with me through the years?
    The candidate will be working with alternative: new staff, there are problems with the performance and experience of those around you.
    Al-Maliki: etc.
    Ahmad Al-Maliki
    If confirmed the news of the handover of power to filter displaces Al-Maliki, they already have the moment did not want the Prime Minister's son. I've fought long to come.
    Ahmed Nouri al-Maliki, is a young man of mysterious, which is said to be "passionate mind behind" all arrangements of both the first and second largest contract of the transfer of power.
    It is difficult to predict what would be the reaction of the son of Al-Maliki, but the presumption available to decide entry in the field of trade, but remains a close eye of authority.
    Nouri al-Maliki: etc.
    Ahmad Al-Maliki: the ......
    Al-Maliki, has received in the past years of criticism of his policies and performance of the Executive, the more ferocious attack had continued on convoy and his advisers.
    There is a staff of consultants have academic expertise and highly functional, but they could not cover up the many who have fallen into the trap of lack of experience, providing the mortal consulting. Perhaps the most negative impact on the Iraqi political life, an experience of advisers behind.
    The alternative candidate: no place for advisers. Will not accept responsibility
    Al-Maliki will be returned to their posts, they were before the formation of the professors in the universities, or employees of the State visited.
    Alternative candidate and advisers who switched to political broadcast radio clock?
    Al-Maliki: etc.
    Businessmen in the wind only if
    Al-Maliki was able, through the years, from taking care of business not only Shiites, but strongly loyal to him. These monopolized the only commercial port to RAS wekdwa authority, political and financial services to the Government, but on the other hand, got a over of their grip on the market.
    In a small business office, central Baghdad, and was in fact an interface to a businessman close to Al-Maliki, was a guest asks: Why put your photo with Alhaji Abu ISRA in the Office? Replied: don't worry I'll put another one with the new Prime Minister.
    Business man: me at these instruments
    (...): Allah Kareem
    Last day
    Al-Maliki will take a rest, and sends a small staff to put the contents of the library on a cardboard tray. 

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