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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Saleh: Iraq has great entitlements to prepare for a new political contract, and we need solutions th

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    Saleh: Iraq has great entitlements to prepare for a new political contract, and we need solutions th Empty Saleh: Iraq has great entitlements to prepare for a new political contract, and we need solutions th

    Post by Rocky Sun 20 Jun 2021, 7:21 am

    Saleh: Iraq has great entitlements to prepare for a new political contract, and we need solutions that are out of the ordinary

    •  Time: 06/20/2021 11:34:33
    •  Reading: 1,703 times

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    {Political: Al Furat News} The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, declared Iraq's need for "extraordinary solutions", returning "the fatwa of sufficient jihad is a national project to save Iraq at dangerous moments."
    The useful summary.. In important news, you can find it in the Euphrates News channel on the telegram.. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Salih said in the highlights of the dialogue with him during the Bahr Al-Ulum Dialogue Forum: "The biggest flaw that violates Iraq's sovereignty is the violation of the will of the Iraqi voter and manipulation of his vote, and sovereignty begins with respecting the citizen's voice in elections, and restoring the legitimacy of the system and the state, which is based on free elections without value fraud and manipulation.
    He stressed, "The Iraq project must be a national project at home through the establishment of a capable and respectable state that serves its citizens and harnesses the country's resources to serve them and be in security with its people and its neighbourhood, and the region cannot be stable without a capable and sovereign Iraqi national state."
    And he indicated, "Iraq has great economic development obligations and the prelude to a new political contract and the new conditions in the region, and the country suffers from serious political bottlenecks that need solutions that are out of the ordinary."
    Salih affirmed, "The fatwa of sufficient jihad came at a fateful moment, and it is not a fatwa for a sect or sect. Rather, it was a national project to save Iraq in dangerous moments, and we should stop at it and study it through researchers, think tanks and decision-makers, and such moments show the importance of the reference and its historical role." And the pioneer as the safety valve defending and supporting Iraq's sovereignty, its national decision, and the security of all Iraqis.
    And he indicated that "the religious authority in Najaf has played important roles historically and in major events and transformations, and the positions of the reference have always been in support of the national decision and Iraqi sovereignty since the twentieth revolution until today."
    Salih noted that "what has been achieved after 2003 is not small, but we must have the courage to say that it contains many imbalances and does not meet the aspirations of the Iraqis of good governance and a capable and respected sovereign state," noting that "there is a concept that crystallizes from Basra to Najaf and Amara." Anbar, Mosul, Sulaymaniyah and Erbil, with the need for a capable state that will be a protector for its citizens.”
    He continued, "The upcoming elections came in response to the demands of the people who felt in the current political situation unable to serve them, and as a reaction to what they considered fraud and manipulation of their votes in the previous elections," stressing that "there is a case of skepticism in the elections by citizens, based on what happened In the previous elections, it was not a small thing, and our organizations and our social activities had a great role in monitoring and reassuring citizens.”
    The President of the Republic said: "According to experts, Iraq's oil imports since 2003 until now amount to a thousand billion dollars, and estimates indicate that 150 billion dollars of it ended abroad due to corruption, which is the political economy of violence and chaos, weakening the state and violating sovereignty and keeping Iraq in this state, without Addressing corruption and recovering its money cannot achieve what we aspire to of good governance."
    He explained that "the land of Rafidain has historically been a point of balance and conflicts in the region, and the region cannot be stabilized today without a capable and sovereign Iraqi national state, and that any interference by a party in its affairs will be an entry point for other interventions, and the cycle of crisis will continue, and everyone loses in it."

    Ammar Al Masoudi
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