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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    ((Al-Ansari follows up on the field the development of work levels in a number of investment project

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    ((Al-Ansari follows up on the field the development of work levels in a number of investment project Empty ((Al-Ansari follows up on the field the development of work levels in a number of investment project

    Post by Rocky Fri 26 Nov 2021, 6:11 am

    [size=52]((Al-Ansari follows up on the field the development of work levels in a number of investment projects implemented in the capital, Baghdad)) [/size]

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    To raise the level of services provided by the Baghdad Investment Commission to investment companies and the projects they implement in the capital, Baghdad, and to see the most important stages of work and the percentages of achievement they have reached, and in order to follow up on these projects periodically, Engineer Haider Al-Ansari, head of the commission, conducted this Thursday morning, 25/11/2021. A field tour of a number of various investment projects within the series of inspection tours organized by the Commission from time to time to identify the most important obstacles and obstacles it faces and to develop appropriate solutions to them. Cars (Jaguar, Land Rover, Range Rover), Khalifa Mall).

    During the tour, Al-Ansari met with the administrations of these projects, which provided a detailed presentation of their work for the previous periods and the work they will accomplish in the coming days. applicable globally. Assuring them that the authority seeks with all its capabilities to overcome the obstacles they face and is keen to provide support and backing to them in cooperation with the relevant authorities because of the great importance of these investment projects in developing the capital and achieving the most prominent investment goals aimed at providing the ideal housing that the Iraqi family aspires to and to provide the best services to them as well as creating many job opportunities for young people in various specializations through these projects.

    At the conclusion of the tour, Al-Ansari called for more efforts by the administrations of these projects in order to advance the service, urban and economic reality of the capital, achieve progress and enhance the construction and reconstruction movement that the country is witnessing.
    Disclaimer: All published articles represent the opinion of its authors only

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